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function question_category_options in Quiz 6.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.5 includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php \question_category_options()

Output an array of question categories.

2 calls to question_category_options()
qformat_coursetestmanager::importprocess in includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php
Process the file This method should not normally be overidden
question_category_select_menu in includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php
Output a select menu of question categories.


includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php, line 1951


function question_category_options($contexts, $top = false, $currentcat = 0, $popupform = false, $nochildrenof = -1) {
  global $CFG;
  $pcontexts = array();
  foreach ($contexts as $context) {
    $pcontexts[] = $context->id;
  $contextslist = join($pcontexts, ', ');
  $categories = get_categories_for_contexts($contextslist);
  $categories = question_add_context_in_key($categories);
  if ($top) {
    $categories = question_add_tops($categories, $pcontexts);
  $categories = add_indented_names($categories, $nochildrenof);

  //sort cats out into different contexts
  $categoriesarray = array();
  foreach ($pcontexts as $pcontext) {
    $contextstring = print_context_name(get_context_instance_by_id($pcontext), true, true);
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
      if ($category->contextid == $pcontext) {
        $cid = $category->id;
        if ($currentcat != $cid || $currentcat == 0) {
          $countstring = !empty($category->questioncount) ? " ({$category->questioncount})" : '';
          $categoriesarray[$contextstring][$cid] = $category->indentedname . $countstring;
  if ($popupform) {
    $popupcats = array();
    foreach ($categoriesarray as $contextstring => $optgroup) {
      $popupcats[] = '--' . $contextstring;
      $popupcats = array_merge($popupcats, $optgroup);
      $popupcats[] = '--';
    return $popupcats;
  else {
    return $categoriesarray;