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function get_categories_for_contexts in Quiz 6.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.5 includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php \get_categories_for_contexts()

Get all the category objects, including a count of the number of questions in that category, for all the categories in the lists $contexts.


mixed $contexts either a single contextid, or a comma-separated list of context ids.:

string $sortorder used as the ORDER BY clause in the select statement.:

Return value

array of category objects.

1 call to get_categories_for_contexts()
question_category_options in includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php
Output an array of question categories.


includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php, line 1938


function get_categories_for_contexts($contexts, $sortorder = 'parent, sortorder, name ASC') {
  global $CFG;
  return get_records_sql("\n            SELECT c.*, (SELECT count(1) FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q\n                    WHERE = q.category AND q.hidden='0' AND q.parent='0') as questioncount\n            FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_categories c\n            WHERE c.contextid IN ({$contexts})\n            ORDER BY {$sortorder}");