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Functions in Quiz 6.4

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_quiz_get_time_interval_options ./ Returns list of options for the changed select box 2
_quiz_get_vocabularies ./quiz.module Retrieve list of vocabularies for all quiz question types. 2
_quiz_help ./ Handle help calls. 1
_quiz_insert_resultoptions ./quiz.module Insert call specific to result options. 2
_quiz_insert_result_option ./quiz.module Insert one result option. 1
_quiz_is_empty_html ./quiz.module Helper function used when figuring out if a textfield or textarea is empty. 1
_quiz_is_int ./quiz.module Helper function used when validating integers. 17
_quiz_is_last_question ./quiz.module Check if this is the last question of the quiz 1
_quiz_is_plain ./quiz.module Helper function used when validating plain text. 1
_quiz_is_taking_context ./quiz.module Tells whether a question node is being viewed inside/outside of quiz. 1
_quiz_limit_year_options ./quiz.module Limit the year options to the years 1970 - 2030 for form items of type date. 1
_quiz_load_user_settings ./quiz.module Apply the users default settings to a quiz node. 2
_quiz_maintain_results ./quiz.module Deletes results for a quiz according to the keep results setting 3
_quiz_mktime ./ Formats local time values to GMT timestamp using time zone offset supplied. All time values in the database are GMT and translated here prior to insertion. 1
_quiz_pick_result_option ./quiz.module Get summary text for a particular score from a set of result options. 1
_quiz_question_browser_add_filter_fields ./ adds filter fields to the question browser form 1
_quiz_question_browser_form ./ Creates the browser part of the quiz_questions_form 1
_quiz_question_browser_prepare_filter_sql ./ Returns sql to be added in where clause in the browsers select statement 1
_quiz_question_browser_submit ./ Takes care of the browser part of the submitted form values. 1
_quiz_question_get_implementations question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Get the information about various implementations of quiz questions. 8
_quiz_question_get_instance question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Get an instance of a quiz question. 5
_quiz_question_response_get_instance question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Get an instance of a quiz question responce. 5
_quiz_question_revision_options question_types/quiz_question/ Get revision options for the revision actions page 1
_quiz_question_teaser_content question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Form for teaser display 1
_quiz_redirect_if_empty ./quiz.module Redirects to the manage questions tab if the quiz has no questions. 2
_quiz_remove_unscored_message ./ Helper function to remove the message saying the quiz haven't been scored 1
_quiz_results_mr_add_filter_fields ./ Adds form items for the filters to the browser form. 1
_quiz_results_mr_data_provider ./ 1
_quiz_results_mr_get_hover ./ Returns links to be placed on the quiz results browser. 1
_quiz_results_mr_prepare_filter ./ Returns sql and parameters to be added in join, where and group clauses in the _quiz_results_mr_data_provider select statement 1
_quiz_results_mr_store_filters ./ Store values for each browser filters in $_SESSION 2
_quiz_resume_existing_quiz ./quiz.module Resume an in-progress quiz. 1
_quiz_save_user_settings ./quiz.module Fetch settings from a node and save them as the users default settings. 3
_quiz_search_terms ./ Helper function for finding terms... 2
_quiz_skip_validation ./ Recursive helper function to set the validated property. (Taken from the skip validation module.) 2
_quiz_taxonomy_select ./quiz.module Prints a taxonomy selection form for each vocabulary. 1
_quiz_update_items ./ Update a quiz set of items with new weights and membership 1
_quiz_update_resultoptions ./quiz.module Modify result of option-specific updates. 1
_quiz_user_results_access ./quiz.module Determine who should have access to the My results tab. 1
_scale_get_col_id question_types/scale/scale.module Searches a string for the answer collection id 1
_scale_insert_collection question_types/scale/scale.install Inserts answer collections into the database 1
_scale_set_for_all question_types/scale/scale.module Make an answer collection (un)available for all question creators. 1
_scale_unpreset_collection question_types/scale/scale.module Make sure an answer collection isn't a preset for a given user. 1


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