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Functions in Quiz 6.4

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
quiz_take_quiz ./quiz.module Handles quiz taking. 1
quiz_theme ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_theme().
quiz_title_callback ./quiz.module
quiz_translate_form_date ./ @file Handles the start and end times in a node form submission. 1
quiz_type_access_load ./quiz.module Load a quiz node, cache it and validate that it is indeed of type quiz. 1
quiz_type_confirm ./quiz.module Validate that a node is of type quiz, and that the user has access to it. 2
quiz_uninstall ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_uninstall()
quiz_update ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_update().
quiz_update_6300 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add aid to quiz_node_properties table.
quiz_update_6301 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add is_skipped column to quiz answer field. This allows questions to be skipped.
quiz_update_6302 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add and rearrange indexes across several of the tables.
quiz_update_6303 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add new field for invalidating entire quizzes. Use it on those mean cheaters.
quiz_update_6304 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
quiz_update_6305 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding new field to integrate quiz node and userpoints modules
quiz_update_6306 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding a new field to save timer status for a timed quiz.
quiz_update_6400 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). quiz_node_question_properties has been considered deprecated. With the new multichoice module it is not beeing used at all, and therefore we remove it.
quiz_update_6401 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N()
quiz_update_6402 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N()
quiz_update_6403 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding a new field to save timer status for a timed quiz.
quiz_update_6404 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding a new field to save if a quiz takes random questions or not.
quiz_update_6405 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding a new field to store whether or not to repeat questions until they're found correct
quiz_update_6406 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding a field to store what results are to be kept.
quiz_update_6407 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add field is_evaluated to the quiz_node_result, and make sure the values are correct
quiz_update_6408 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
quiz_update_6409 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding indexes to improve performance
quiz_update_6410 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Creating the variable quiz_def_uid. This artificial uid is used when storing the default quiz preferences.
quiz_update_6411 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Deleting quiz variables not beeing used anymore
quiz_update_6412 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding a new field to store the max score for random questions
quiz_update_6413 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6414 ./quiz.install Implementation of hood_update_N
quiz_update_6415 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6416 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6417 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6418 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6419 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6420 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6421 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_6422 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N
quiz_update_max_score_properties ./quiz.module Updates the max_score property on the specified quizzes 4
quiz_update_quiz_question_relationship ./quiz.module Copies quiz-question relation entries in the quiz_node_relationship table from an old version of a quiz to a new. 1
quiz_update_total_score ./quiz.module Update a score for a quiz. 2
quiz_update_total_score_fast ./ Updates the total score using only one mySql query. 1
quiz_user ./quiz.module Implementation of hook user().
quiz_user_results ./ Show result page for a given result id 1
quiz_validate ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_validate(). 1
quiz_view ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_view().
quiz_views_api ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
quiz_views_data includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
quiz_views_default_views includes/views/
quiz_views_handlers includes/views/ @file This file provides metadata to the Views 2 API for views integration.


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