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Functions in Quiz 6.4

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_quiz_admin_quizzes ./ Theme the admin quizzes table.
theme_quiz_admin_summary ./ Theme the summary page for admins.
theme_quiz_categorized_form ./
theme_quiz_get_user_results ./ Theme the user results page.
theme_quiz_grade_range includes/quiz_stats/ Theme function for quiz grade range chart generates Chart using CHART API function
theme_quiz_jumper ./
theme_quiz_my_results_for_quiz ./ Theme the user results page.
theme_quiz_node_form ./ Theme the quiz node form
theme_quiz_no_feedback ./ Theme the "no feedback" option.
theme_quiz_progress ./ Theme a progress indicator for use during a quiz.
theme_quiz_question_creation_form question_types/quiz_question/ Theme the question creation form
theme_quiz_question_navigation_form question_types/quiz_question/ Theme the question navigation form(Back, Next, Skip buttons...)
theme_quiz_score_correct ./ Pass the correct mark to the theme so that theme authors can use an image.
theme_quiz_score_incorrect ./ Pass the incorrect mark to the theme so that theme authors can use an image.
theme_quiz_single_question_node ./ Theme the single question node
theme_quiz_stats_get_basic_stats includes/quiz_stats/ Generates table of results from quiz data structure.
theme_quiz_take_summary ./ Theme the summary page after the quiz has been completed.
theme_quiz_top_scorers includes/quiz_stats/ generates a chart of quiz top scorers
theme_quiz_user_summary ./ Theme the summary page for user results.
theme_quiz_view_stats ./ Theme the stats on the views page
theme_scale_answer_node_view question_types/scale/theme/ Theme function for the answer part of the node view
theme_scale_creation_form question_types/scale/theme/ Theme function for the scale creation form.
theme_scale_response_form question_types/scale/theme/ Theme the scale response form
theme_short_answer_response_form question_types/short_answer/theme/ Theme the short_answer response form
theme_short_answer_user_answer question_types/short_answer/theme/
theme_short_answer_view_unscored question_types/short_answer/theme/ Theme the list of unscored short answer questions.
theme_truefalse_response question_types/truefalse/truefalse.module Theme the response part of the response report
truefalse_autoload_info question_types/truefalse/truefalse.module Implementation of hook_autoload_info().
truefalse_config question_types/truefalse/truefalse.module Implementation of the quiz_question hook_config
truefalse_help question_types/truefalse/truefalse.module Implementation of hook_help().
truefalse_install question_types/truefalse/truefalse.install Implementation of hook_install().
truefalse_quiz_question_info question_types/truefalse/truefalse.module Implementation of hook_quiz_question_info(). 1
truefalse_schema question_types/truefalse/truefalse.install Implementation of hook_schema().
truefalse_theme question_types/truefalse/truefalse.module Implementation of hook_theme().
truefalse_uninstall question_types/truefalse/truefalse.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
truefalse_update_6400 question_types/truefalse/truefalse.install Implementation of hook_update_N
_ajax_quiz_get_questions includes/ajax_quiz/ 1
_get_date_vs_takeup_count_chart includes/quiz_stats/ Generates chart showing how often the quiz has been taken the last days 1
_get_quiz_grade_range_chart includes/quiz_stats/ Generates grade range chart 1
_get_quiz_status_chart includes/quiz_stats/ Generates a chart showing the status for all registered responses to a quiz 1
_get_quiz_top_scorers_chart includes/quiz_stats/ Generates the top scorers chart 1
_multichoice_alter_answers question_types/multichoice/ We alter the quiz_multichoice_answers table to fit the new data model
_multichoice_alter_user_answers1 question_types/multichoice/ Alter and create tables to store user answers
_multichoice_alter_user_answers2 question_types/multichoice/ We delete fields not needed after the user_answer data was moved from the old data model
_multichoice_check_answers question_types/multichoice/ We go through the alternatives and update question properties and field formats
_multichoice_create_properties question_types/multichoice/ We create a new table to store multichoice properties in
_multichoice_create_user_settings question_types/multichoice/ We create the user settings table
_multichoice_move_old_answers question_types/multichoice/ Move/convert user answer data from the old data model to the new
_multichoice_next_step question_types/multichoice/ Helper function to switch steps in the update process 2
_multichoice_skip_validation question_types/multichoice/multichoice.module Recursive helper function to set the validated property. (Taken from the skip validation module.) 1


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