function protected_node_node_validate in Protected Node 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 1.0.x protected_node.module \protected_node_node_validate()
Implements hook_node_validate().
- ./
protected_node.module, line 547 - Protected Node module.
function protected_node_node_validate($node, $form, &$form_state) {
// The node type is never protected if $node->protected_node_is_protected is
// not set.
if (!isset($node->protected_node_is_protected)) {
global $_protected_node_emails;
global $_protected_node_random_passwd;
$_protected_node_emails = '';
$_protected_node_random_passwd = '';
if ($node->protected_node_is_protected && (user_access('edit any protected node password') || user_access('edit ' . $node->type . ' password'))) {
$missing_password = FALSE;
if (empty($node->protected_node_passwd)) {
// Global content type password exists ?
$global_content_type_password = variable_get('protected_node_node_type_password_' . $node->type, '');
if ($global_content_type_password != '') {
// it's ok.
else {
$result = db_select('protected_nodes')
->fields('protected_nodes', array(
->condition('nid', $node->nid)
// Getting " " (40 spaces) when empty.
$result = trim($result);
if (empty($result)) {
$missing_password = TRUE;
if (!empty($node->protected_node_emails)) {
if ($node->status) {
// Verify each email address.
$emails = explode(',', str_replace(array(
), ',', $node->protected_node_emails));
foreach ($emails as $k => $m) {
$m = trim($m);
if ($m) {
if (!valid_email_address($m)) {
form_error($form['protected_node']['protected_node_emails'], t('Invalid email address: @m. Please correct this mistake and try again.', array(
'@m' => $m,
// Unset just in case; should be useless though.
else {
$emails[$k] = $m;
else {
// Ignore empty entries.
$_protected_node_emails = implode(', ', $emails);
if ($_protected_node_emails && $missing_password && variable_get('protected_node_random_password', FALSE)) {
// Automatically generate a password for the email. Note that means
// the author won't know the password!
$_protected_node_random_passwd = user_password();
// Not missing anymore.
$missing_password = FALSE;
drupal_set_message(t('A random password was generated in order to send the email about this page. Remember that changing the password will prevent users you just emailed from accessing this page.'), 'warning');
else {
// The node is not published, forget about emails!
form_error($form['protected_node']['protected_node_emails'], t('The node is not published. Therefore no email will be sent.'));
if ($missing_password) {
global $user;
if ($user->uid == 0) {
// If anonymous user, then global password is not an option otherwise
// all the nodes could be edited by all the anonymous users!
else {
$global_password = variable_get('protected_node_use_global_password', PROTECTED_NODE_PER_NODE_PASSWORD);
switch ($global_password) {
form_error($form['protected_node']['protected_node_passwd'], t('To protect this page, please enter a password.'));
elseif (isset($node->protected_node_emails) && trim($node->protected_node_emails)) {
form_error($form['protected_node']['protected_node_emails'], t('No email can be sent by the protected node module when the node is not protected or you do not have permission to set a password.'));