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Constants in Protected Node 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
PROTECTED_NODE_FIELDSET_CLOSE ./ Protected node fieldset default behavior: closed. 1 1
PROTECTED_NODE_FIELDSET_OPEN ./ Protected node fieldset default behavior: open. 1 1
PROTECTED_NODE_FIELDSET_SMART ./ Protected node fieldset default behavior: smart. 3 1
PROTECTED_NODE_GLOBAL_PASSWORD ./protected_node.module Global password only. 5 1
PROTECTED_NODE_PER_NODE_AND_GLOBAL_PASSWORD ./protected_node.module Per node or global password. 5 1
PROTECTED_NODE_PER_NODE_PASSWORD ./protected_node.module Per node password. 17 1
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_ALWAYS ./protected_node.module The nodes of this type will always be protected. 2 1
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_NEVER ./protected_node.module Never protect these types of nodes. 2 1
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_PROTECTABLE ./protected_node.module The author can choose whether the node is protected or not. 4 1
PROTECTED_NODE_PROTECTION_PROTECTED ./protected_node.module The author can choose whether the node is protected or not. 1 1

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