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function protected_node_and_attachment in Protected Node 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 protected_node.module \protected_node_and_attachment()
  2. 1.0.x protected_node.module \protected_node_and_attachment()

Helper function.

If gathering an attachment, verify that it is accessible and if not ask for the password.


string $path: The path to the attachment file.

Return value

mixed File nid if user has access. FALSE otherwise.

1 call to protected_node_and_attachment()
protected_node_init in ./protected_node.module
Implements hook_init().


./protected_node.module, line 345
Protected Node module.


function protected_node_and_attachment($path) {
  global $user;
  if (user_access('edit protected content')) {
    return FALSE;

  // Check whether the node linked to this file attachment is protected.
  $query = db_select('node', 'n');
    ->join('file_usage', 'fu', 'n.nid =');
    ->join('file_managed', 'fm', 'fm.fid = fu.fid');
    ->join('protected_nodes', 'pn', 'n.nid = pn.nid');
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->fields('pn', array(
    ->condition('fu.type', 'node');
    ->condition('fm.uri', '%' . db_like($path), 'LIKE');
    ->condition('pn.protected_node_is_protected', '1');
  $number_of_results = $query

  // If number is 0, node is not protected, or file is in a field collection.
  if (0 == $number_of_results) {
    if (module_exists('field_collection')) {

      // Check if file is attached to protected node via field collection.
      $query = db_select('file_usage', 'fu');
        ->join('file_managed', 'fm', 'fu.fid = fm.fid');
        ->fields('fu', array(
        ->condition('fu.type', 'field_collection_item');
        ->condition('fm.uri', '%' . db_like($path), 'LIKE');
      $in_field_collection = $query

      // The file is attached to a field collection item.
      if ($in_field_collection != '0') {
        $field_collection_ids = $query
        $field_collection_items = entity_load('field_collection_item', $field_collection_ids);

        // Get the nids.
        $protected_node_nids = array();
        foreach ($field_collection_items as $field_collection_item) {
          $protected_node_nids[] = $field_collection_item

        // Query the node table again with the nid the field collection belongs
        // to.
        $query = db_select('node', 'n');
          ->join('protected_nodes', 'pn', 'n.nid = pn.nid');
          ->fields('n', array(
          ->fields('pn', array(
          ->condition('n.nid', $protected_node_nids, 'IN');
          ->condition('pn.protected_node_is_protected', '1');
        $number_of_results = $query
        if (0 == $number_of_results) {
          return FALSE;
      else {
        return FALSE;
    elseif (module_exists('paragraphs')) {

      // Check if file is attached to protected node via paragraphs.
      $query = db_select('file_usage', 'fu');
        ->join('file_managed', 'fm', 'fu.fid = fm.fid');
        ->fields('fu', array(
        ->condition('fu.type', 'paragraphs_item');
        ->condition('fm.uri', '%' . db_like($path), 'LIKE');
      $in_paragraphs = $query

      // The file is attached to a paragraphs item.
      if ($in_paragraphs != '0') {
        $paragraphs_ids = $query

        /** @var \ParagraphsItemEntity[] $paragraphs_items */
        $paragraphs_items = entity_load('paragraphs_item', $paragraphs_ids);

        // Get the nids.
        $protected_node_nids = array();
        foreach ($paragraphs_items as $paragraphs_item) {
          $nid = _protected_node_get_paragraph_node_host_entity_id($paragraphs_item);
          if ($nid) {
            $protected_node_nids[] = $nid;

        // Query the node table again with the nid the paragraph belongs
        // to.
        if (!empty($protected_node_nids)) {
          $query = db_select('node', 'n');
            ->join('protected_nodes', 'pn', 'n.nid = pn.nid');
            ->fields('n', array(
            ->fields('pn', array(
            ->condition('n.nid', $protected_node_nids, 'IN');
            ->condition('pn.protected_node_is_protected', '1');
          $number_of_results = $query
          if (0 == $number_of_results) {
            return FALSE;
        else {
          return FALSE;
      else {
        return FALSE;
    else {

      // If not in node, nor in field_collection or paragraphs, return FALSE
      return FALSE;

      /* Row doesn't exist, it's not protected */
  $result = $query
  foreach ($result as $file_info) {

    // Row doesn't exist, it's not protected || $user is the author.
    if ($file_info === FALSE || $user->uid && $user->uid == $file_info->uid) {
      return FALSE;

    // The user has the bypass password for view.
    if (user_access('view protected content', $user)) {
      return FALSE;

    // Got the global password?
    if (isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords']['global'])) {
      $when = $_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords']['global'];

      // This page reset time && global reset time.
      if ($when > $file_info->protected_node_passwd_changed && $when > variable_get('protected_node_session_timelimit', 0)) {
        return FALSE;

      // The session is out of date, we can as well get rid of it now.
    else {

      // Got the password?
      if (isset($_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$file_info->nid])) {
        $when = $_SESSION['_protected_node']['passwords'][$file_info->nid];

        // This page reset time && global reset time.
        if ($when > $file_info->protected_node_passwd_changed && $when > variable_get('protected_node_session_timelimit', 0)) {
          return FALSE;

        // The session is out of date, we can as well get rid of it now.

    // No password, access denied.
    return $file_info->nid;