function hook_protected_node_hide in Protected Node 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 1.0.x protected_node.api.php \hook_protected_node_hide()
Removes information from the node.
Request that $node parameters that are expected to be protected to somehow be removed from the $node.
This function gives 3rd party modules adding content to a node a chance for hiding that content before it gets displayed or indexed.
The default implementation hides the fields. It either replace the title with "Password protected page" or keeps it intact depending on the protected node "Show Title" flag.
The hook is only invoked when the node is protected and the user did not yet provide the correct password.
See also
1 function implements hook_protected_node_hide()
Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.
- protected_node_protected_node_hide in ./
protected_node.module - Implements hook_protected_node_hide().
- ./
protected_node.api.php, line 26 - Hooks provided by the Protected Node module.
function hook_protected_node_hide(&$node) {
// Core module fields.
if (!$node->protected_node_show_title) {
$node->title = t('Password protected page');
$node->body = '';
// Remove $node->content children to avoid the user see content he/she should
// not see.
$content_children = element_children($node->content);
foreach ($content_children as $content_key) {