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function theme_profile2_diff_inline_metadata in Profile 2 7.2

Display inline diff metadata.

1 theme call to theme_profile2_diff_inline_metadata()
profile2_diff_inline_show in contrib/
Show the inline diff of a given profile object v. the profile with $old_vid. If $old_vid = 0 returns the normally rendered content of the profile object. If metadata is TRUE a header will be added with a legend explaining the color code. This function…


contrib/, line 11
Themeable function callbacks for profile2_diff.module.


function theme_profile2_diff_inline_metadata($vars) {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'diff') . '/diff.css');
  $profile = $vars['profile'];
  $user = user_load($profile->authorid);
  $output = "<div class='diff-inline-metadata clear-block'>";
  $output .= "<div class='diff-inline-byline'>";
  $output .= t('Updated by !name on @date', array(
    '!name' => theme('username', array(
      'account' => $user,
    '@date' => format_date($profile->revision_timestamp, 'small'),
  $output .= "</div>";
  $output .= "<div class='diff-inline-legend clear-block'>";
  $output .= "<label>" . t('Legend') . "</label>";
  $output .= theme('diff_inline_chunk', array(
    'text' => t('Added'),
    'type' => 'add',
  $output .= theme('diff_inline_chunk', array(
    'text' => t('Changed'),
    'type' => 'change',
  $output .= theme('diff_inline_chunk', array(
    'text' => t('Deleted'),
    'type' => 'relete',
  $output .= "</div>";
  $output .= "</div>";
  return $output;