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Functions in Profile 2 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_default_profile2_type ./profile2.api.php Define default profile type configurations.
hook_default_profile2_type_alter ./profile2.api.php Alter default profile type configurations.
hook_form_profile2_form_alter ./profile2.api.php Alter profile2 forms.
hook_profile2_access ./profile2.api.php Control access to profiles.
hook_profile2_delete ./profile2.api.php Respond to profile deletion.
hook_profile2_insert ./profile2.api.php Respond when a profile is inserted.
hook_profile2_load ./profile2.api.php Act on profiles being loaded from the database.
hook_profile2_presave ./profile2.api.php Act on a profile being inserted or updated.
hook_profile2_type_delete ./profile2.api.php Respond to profile type deletion.
hook_profile2_type_insert ./profile2.api.php Respond when a profile type is inserted.
hook_profile2_type_load ./profile2.api.php Act on profile type being loaded from the database.
hook_profile2_type_presave ./profile2.api.php Act on a profile type being inserted or updated.
hook_profile2_type_update ./profile2.api.php Respond to updates to a profile.
hook_profile2_update ./profile2.api.php Respond to a profile being updated.
hook_profile2_view ./profile2.api.php Act on a profile that is being assembled before rendering.
hook_profile2_view_alter ./profile2.api.php Alter the results of entity_view() for profiles.
profile2_access ./profile2.module Determines whether the given user has access to a profile. 8 3
profile2_admin_paths ./profile2.module Implements hook_admin_paths().
profile2_attach_form ./profile2.module Attaches the profile forms of the profiles set in $form_state['profiles']. 3
profile2_by_uid_load ./profile2.module Menu load callback. 3
profile2_category_access ./profile2.module Menu item access callback - check if a user has access to a profile category. 1
profile2_create ./profile2.module Create a new profile object. 6 1
profile2_ctools_plugin_directory ./profile2.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
profile2_delete ./profile2.module Deletes a profile. 2
profile2_delete_access ./profile2.module Determines whether the given user has access to delete a profile.
profile2_delete_confirm_form ./ Confirm form for deleting own profile. 1
profile2_delete_confirm_form_submit ./ Confirm form submit for deleting own profile.
profile2_delete_multiple ./profile2.module Delete multiple profiles. 4
profile2_diff_admin_paths contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_admin_paths().
profile2_diff_block_configure contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_block_configure().
profile2_diff_block_info contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_block_info().
profile2_diff_block_save contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_block_save().
profile2_diff_block_view contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_block_view().
profile2_diff_diffs_overview contrib/ Generate an overview table of older revisions of a profile and provide an input form to select two revisions for a comparison. 1 1
profile2_diff_diffs_overview_user contrib/ 1
profile2_diff_diffs_show contrib/ Create output string for a comparison of 'profile' between versions 'old_vid' and 'new_vid'. 1 1
profile2_diff_diffs_show_by_user contrib/ 1
profile2_diff_entity_view_alter contrib/profile2_diff.module Implementation of hook_entity_view_alter().
profile2_diff_form_profile2_form_alter contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_form_alter().
profile2_diff_help contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_help().
profile2_diff_inline_ajax contrib/profile2_diff.module AJAX callback for rendering the inline diff of a user. 1
profile2_diff_inline_form contrib/profile2_diff.module Form builder: Inline diff controls. 1
profile2_diff_inline_form_submit contrib/profile2_diff.module Form submission handler for diff_inline_form() for JS-disabled clients. 1
profile2_diff_inline_show contrib/ Show the inline diff of a given profile object v. the profile with $old_vid. If $old_vid = 0 returns the normally rendered content of the profile object. If metadata is TRUE a header will be added with a legend explaining the color code. This function… 2
profile2_diff_latest contrib/ Menu callback - show latest diff for a given profile. 1 1
profile2_diff_latest_by_user contrib/ 1
profile2_diff_menu contrib/profile2_diff.module Implements hook_menu().
profile2_diff_profile2_form_preview_changes contrib/profile2_diff.module Callback if 'View changes' is pressed. 1
profile2_diff_profile2_revisions contrib/ Input form to select two revisions. 1
profile2_diff_profile2_revisions_submit contrib/ Submit code for input form to select two revisions.


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