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function _profile2_diff_body_rows in Profile 2 7.2

Creates an array of rows which represent a diff between $old_profile and $new_profile. The rows can be used via theme('diff_table') to be displayed.


$old_profile: profile for comparison which will be displayed on the left side.

$new_profile: profile for comparison which will be displayed on the right side.

2 calls to _profile2_diff_body_rows()
profile2_diff_diffs_show in contrib/
Create output string for a comparison of 'profile' between versions 'old_vid' and 'new_vid'.
profile2_diff_profile2_form_preview_changes in contrib/profile2_diff.module
Callback if 'View changes' is pressed.


contrib/, line 262
Menu callbacks for hook_menu().


function _profile2_diff_body_rows($old_profile, $new_profile) {

  // make use of the user comparison functions in the diff module.
  module_load_include('inc', 'diff', 'diff.pages');
  $context = array(
    'states' => array(
      variable_get('diff_default_state_profile2', 'raw'),
    'view_mode' => 'diff_standard',
  return diff_entity_body_rows('profile2', $old_profile, $new_profile, $context);