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function _privatemsg_assemble_query in Privatemsg 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 privatemsg.module \_privatemsg_assemble_query()
  2. 7.2 privatemsg.module \_privatemsg_assemble_query()
  3. 7 privatemsg.module \_privatemsg_assemble_query()

Generates a query based on a query id.


$query: Either be a string ('some_id') or an array('group_name', 'query_id'), if a string is supplied, group_name defaults to 'privatemsg'.

Return value

Array with the keys query and count. count can be used to count the elements which would be returned by query. count can be used together with pager_query().

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function _privatemsg_assemble_query($query) {

  // Modules will be allowed to choose the prefix for the querybuilder, but if there is not one supplied, 'privatemsg' will be taken by default.
  if (is_array($query)) {
    $query_id = $query[0];
    $query_group = $query[1];
  else {
    $query_id = $query;
    $query_group = 'privatemsg';
  $SELECT = array();
  $INNER_JOIN = array();
  $WHERE = array();
  $GROUP_BY = array();
  $HAVING = array();
  $ORDER_BY = array();
  $QUERY_ARGS = array(
    'select' => array(),
    'where' => array(),
    'join' => array(),
    'having' => array(),
  $primary_table = '';
  $fragments = array(
    'select' => $SELECT,
    'inner_join' => $INNER_JOIN,
    'where' => $WHERE,
    'group_by' => $GROUP_BY,
    'having' => $HAVING,
    'order_by' => $ORDER_BY,
    'query_args' => $QUERY_ARGS,
    'primary_table' => $primary_table,

   * Begin: dynamic arguments
  $args = func_get_args();

  // we do the merge because we call call_user_func_array and not drupal_alter
  // this is necessary because otherwise we would not be able to use $args correctly (otherwise it doesnt unfold)
  $alterargs = array(
  $query_function = $query_group . '_sql_' . $query_id;
  if (!empty($args)) {
    $alterargs = array_merge($alterargs, $args);

   * END: Dynamic arguments
  if (!function_exists($query_function)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Query function %function does not exist', array(
      '%function' => $query_function,
    )), 'error');
    return FALSE;
  call_user_func_array($query_function, $alterargs);
  array_unshift($alterargs, $query_function);
  call_user_func_array('drupal_alter', $alterargs);
  $SELECT = $fragments['select'];
  $INNER_JOIN = $fragments['inner_join'];
  $WHERE = $fragments['where'];
  $GROUP_BY = $fragments['group_by'];
  $HAVING = $fragments['having'];
  $ORDER_BY = $fragments['order_by'];
  $QUERY_ARGS = $fragments['query_args'];
  $primary_table = $fragments['primary_table'];

  // pgsql has a case sensitive LIKE - replace it with ILIKE. see
  if ($GLOBALS['db_type'] == 'pgsql') {
    $WHERE = str_replace('LIKE', 'ILIKE', $WHERE);
  if (empty($primary_table)) {
    $primary_table = '{privatemsg} pm';

  // Perform the whole query assembly only if we have something to select.
  if (!empty($SELECT)) {
    $str_select = implode(", ", $SELECT);
    $query = "SELECT {$str_select} FROM " . $primary_table;

    // Also build a count query which can be passed to pager_query to get a "page count" as that does not play well with queries including "GROUP BY".
    // In most cases,  "COUNT(*)" is enough to get the count query, but in queries involving a GROUP BY, we want a count of the number of groups we have, not the count of elements inside each group.
    // So we test if there is GROUP BY and if there is, count the number of distinct groups. If not, we go the normal wal and do a plain COUNT(*).
    if (!empty($GROUP_BY)) {

      // PostgreSQL does not support COUNT(sometextfield, someintfield), so I'm only using the first one
      // Works fine for thread_id/list but may generate an error when a more complex GROUP BY is used.
      $str_group_by_count = current($GROUP_BY);
      $count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT {$str_group_by_count}) FROM " . $primary_table;
    else {
      $count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $primary_table;
    if (!empty($INNER_JOIN)) {
      $str_inner_join = implode(' ', $INNER_JOIN);
      $query .= " {$str_inner_join}";
      $count .= " {$str_inner_join}";
    if (!empty($WHERE)) {
      $str_where = '(' . implode(') AND (', $WHERE) . ')';
      $query .= " WHERE {$str_where}";
      $count .= " WHERE {$str_where}";
    if (!empty($GROUP_BY)) {
      $str_group_by = ' GROUP BY ' . implode(", ", $GROUP_BY);
      $query .= " {$str_group_by}";
    if (!empty($HAVING)) {
      $str_having = '(' . implode(') AND (', $HAVING) . ')';
      $query .= " HAVING {$str_having}";

      // queries containing a HAVING break the count query on pgsql.
      // In this case, use the subquery method as outlined in .
      // The subquery method will work for all COUNT queries, but it is thought to be much slower, so we are only using it where other cross database approaches fail.
      $count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' . $query . ') as count';
    if (!empty($ORDER_BY)) {
      $str_order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(", ", $ORDER_BY);
      $query .= " {$str_order_by}";
    $QUERY_ARGS = array_merge($QUERY_ARGS['select'], $QUERY_ARGS['join'], $QUERY_ARGS['where'], $QUERY_ARGS['having']);
    if (!empty($QUERY_ARGS)) {
      _db_query_callback($QUERY_ARGS, TRUE);
      $query = preg_replace_callback(DB_QUERY_REGEXP, '_db_query_callback', $query);
      _db_query_callback($QUERY_ARGS, TRUE);
      $count = preg_replace_callback(DB_QUERY_REGEXP, '_db_query_callback', $count);
    return array(
      'query' => $query,
      'count' => $count,
  return FALSE;