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14 calls to _privatemsg_assemble_query() in Privatemsg 6

privatemsg_cron in ./privatemsg.module
Implements hook_cron().
privatemsg_filter_form in privatemsg_filter/privatemsg_filter.module
Form to show and allow modification of tagging information of a conversation.
privatemsg_filter_form_privatemsg_list_alter in privatemsg_filter/privatemsg_filter.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
privatemsg_filter_get_tags_data in privatemsg_filter/privatemsg_filter.module
privatemsg_filter_tags_autocomplete in privatemsg_filter/privatemsg_filter.module
Return autocomplete results for tags.
privatemsg_list in ./privatemsg.module
List messages.
privatemsg_message_load_multiple in ./privatemsg.module
Load multiple messages.
privatemsg_tags_admin in privatemsg_filter/
Display a list of tags to administer them.
privatemsg_thread_change_delete in ./privatemsg.module
Delete or restore one or multiple threads.
privatemsg_thread_load in ./privatemsg.module
Load a thread with all the messages and participants.
privatemsg_unread_count in ./privatemsg.module
Return number of unread messages for an account.
privatemsg_user_name_autocomplete in ./privatemsg.module
Return autocomplete results for usernames.
_privatemsg_load_thread_participants in ./privatemsg.module
Load all participants of a thread, optionally without author.
_privatemsg_send in ./privatemsg.module
Internal function to save a message.