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INSTALL.txt in Printer, email and PDF versions 5.2

                     D R U P A L    M O D U L E
Name: Print module
Maintainer: Joao Ventura <joao at venturas dot org>
Author: Matt Westgate <drupal at asitis dot org>

1. Decompress the print-n.x-n.n.tar.gz file into your Drupal modules directory (usually sites/all/modules, see for more information).

2. Enable the print module:
    Administer > Site building > Modules (admin/build/modules)

3. Configure access rules:
    Administer > User management > Access control (admin/user/access)

4. Configure:
    Administer > Site configuration > Printer-friendly (admin/settings/print)


When updating from a previous version, just remove the print directory and follow the instructions above. Make sure that you backup any costumization to the print.tpl.php and print.css files.


Even though it is possible to set per-page robots settings, the following can be placed in your robots.txt file after the User-agent line to prevent search engines from even asking for the page:

Disallow: /print/

Also, for updates from older versions (<=4.7.x-1.0 and <=5.x-1.2) which used node/nnn/print instead of print/nnn, the following lines can prevent requests from Google for the obsolete print URLs:

Disallow: /*/print$

Note that pattern matching in robots.txt is a Google extension (see for more information).


- To modify the template of printer friendly pages, simply edit the print.tpl.php or the print.css files found in this directory.

- It is possible to set per-content-type and/or theme-specific templates which are searched for in the following order:
  i. print.__node-type__.tpl.php in the theme directory
 ii. print.__node-type__.tpl.php in the module directory
iii. print.tpl.php in the theme directory
 iv. print.tpl.php in the module directory (supplied by the module)


View source
  1. ********************************************************************
  2. D R U P A L M O D U L E
  3. ********************************************************************
  4. Name: Print module
  5. Maintainer: Joao Ventura
  6. Author: Matt Westgate
  7. ********************************************************************
  9. 1. Decompress the print-n.x-n.n.tar.gz file into your Drupal modules directory (usually sites/all/modules, see for more information).
  10. 2. Enable the print module:
  11. Administer > Site building > Modules (admin/build/modules)
  12. 3. Configure access rules:
  13. Administer > User management > Access control (admin/user/access)
  14. 4. Configure:
  15. Administer > Site configuration > Printer-friendly (admin/settings/print)
  16. ********************************************************************
  17. UPDATE:
  18. When updating from a previous version, just remove the print directory and follow the instructions above. Make sure that you backup any costumization to the print.tpl.php and print.css files.
  19. ********************************************************************
  20. ROBOTS:
  21. Even though it is possible to set per-page robots settings, the following can be placed in your robots.txt file after the User-agent line to prevent search engines from even asking for the page:
  22. Disallow: /print/
  23. Also, for updates from older versions (<=4.7.x-1.0 and <=5.x-1.2) which used node/nnn/print instead of print/nnn, the following lines can prevent requests from Google for the obsolete print URLs:
  24. Disallow: /*/print$
  25. Note that pattern matching in robots.txt is a Google extension (see for more information).
  26. ********************************************************************
  28. - To modify the template of printer friendly pages, simply edit the print.tpl.php or the print.css files found in this directory.
  29. - It is possible to set per-content-type and/or theme-specific templates which are searched for in the following order:
  30. i. print.__node-type__.tpl.php in the theme directory
  31. ii. print.__node-type__.tpl.php in the module directory
  32. iii. print.tpl.php in the theme directory
  33. iv. print.tpl.php in the module directory (supplied by the module)