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INSTALL.txt in Printer, email and PDF versions 5

                     D R U P A L    M O D U L E
Name: Print module
Maintainer: Joao Ventura <joao at venturas dot org>
Author: Matt Westgate <drupal at asitis dot org>

1. Place the entire print directory into your Drupal modules/

2. Enable via:
    Administer > Modules

3. Configure via:
    Administer > Site configuration > Printer friendly (admin/settings/print)


- To modify the template of printer friendly pages, simply edit the
   print.node.tpl.php file found in this directory.

- Though it is not recommended to open links in a new window you can change
theme_print_link() in print.module if you really want to force it:

function theme_print_link($node) {
  $attributes = array("target"=> "_blank", 'title' => t('Display a printer friendly version of this page.'));
  $links = l(t('printer friendly version'), "node/$node->nid/print",$attributes );
  return $links;


View source
  1. ********************************************************************
  2. D R U P A L M O D U L E
  3. ********************************************************************
  4. Name: Print module
  5. Maintainer: Joao Ventura
  6. Author: Matt Westgate
  7. ********************************************************************
  9. 1. Place the entire print directory into your Drupal modules/
  10. directory.
  11. 2. Enable via:
  12. Administer > Modules
  13. 3. Configure via:
  14. Administer > Site configuration > Printer friendly (admin/settings/print)
  15. ********************************************************************
  17. - To modify the template of printer friendly pages, simply edit the
  18. print.node.tpl.php file found in this directory.
  19. - Though it is not recommended to open links in a new window you can change
  20. theme_print_link() in print.module if you really want to force it:
  21. function theme_print_link($node) {
  22. $attributes = array("target"=> "_blank", 'title' => t('Display a printer friendly version of this page.'));
  23. $links = l(t('printer friendly version'), "node/$node->nid/print",$attributes );
  24. return $links;
  25. }