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Functions in Printer, email and PDF versions 5.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
print_controller ./print.module Print module path catcher 1
print_format_link ./print.module Auxiliary function to fill the Printer-friendly link attributes 3
print_form_alter ./print.module Implementation of hook_form_alter()
print_friendly_urls ./print.module Auxiliary function to store the Printer-friendly URLs list as static. 2
print_generate_book ./print.module Outputs a printer-friendly page. Used for book pages 1
print_generate_node ./print.module Outputs a printer-friendly page. Used for content types 1
print_generate_path ./print.module Outputs a printer-friendly page. Used for drupal core pages. 1
print_get_template ./print.module Auxiliary function to resolve the most appropriate template trying to find a content specific template in the theme or module dir before falling back on a generic template also in those dirs. 3
print_help ./print.module Implementation of hook_help()
print_insert_link ./print.module Auxiliary function to display a formatted Printer-friendly link 1
print_link ./print.module Implementation of hook_link().
print_link_alter ./print.module Implementation of hook_link_alter().
print_main_settings ./print.module Print module settings form 1
print_menu ./print.module Implementation of hook_menu()
print_perm ./print.module Implementation of hook_perm()
print_rewrite_urls ./print.module We need to manipulate URLs so that they are recorded as absolute in the Printer-friendly URLs list, and to add a [n] footnote marker. 3
print_robot_settings_default ./print.module Default values of the print_robot_settings variable 2
print_settings_default ./print.module Default values of the print_settings variable 8
print_sourceurl_settings_default ./print.module Default values of the print_sourceurl_settings variable 2
print_uninstall ./print.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
_print_robots_meta_generator ./print.module Generates a meta tag to tell robots what they may index based on module settings 1
_print_var_generator ./print.module Generates the HTML to insert in the template file 3

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