class PotxTest in Translation template extractor 8
Ensure that the translation template extractor functions properly.
@group potx @preserveGlobalState disabled
- class \Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase implements ServiceProviderInterface uses AssertContentTrait, AssertLegacyTrait, AssertHelperTrait, ConfigTestTrait, PhpunitCompatibilityTrait, RandomGeneratorTrait, TestRequirementsTrait
- class \Drupal\Tests\potx\Kernel\PotxTest
Expanded class hierarchy of PotxTest
- tests/
src/ Kernel/ PotxTest.php, line 14
Drupal\Tests\potx\KernelView source
class PotxTest extends KernelTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected static $modules = [
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setUp() {
// Add which we test for its functionality.
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../../';
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../../';
// Store empty error message for reuse in multiple cases.
$this->empty_error = t('Empty string attempted to be localized. Please do not leave test code for localization in your source.');
$this->tests_root = __DIR__ . '/../../../tests';
* Test parsing of Drupal 5 module.
public function testDrupal5() {
// Parse and build the Drupal 5 module file.
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test_5.module';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_5);
// Assert strings found in module source code.
->assertMsgId('Test menu item in 5');
->assertMsgId('This is a test menu item in 5');
->assertMsgId('This is a test string.');
->assertMsgId('test watchdog type');
// No support for instant t() in watchdog.
->assertNoMsgId('My watchdog message');
->assertMsgId('test potx permission');
->assertMsgId('one more test potx permission');
->assertPluralId('1 test string', '@count test strings');
// Installer string should not appear in runtime output.
->assertNoMsgId('Installer only test string');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic callback test string');
->assertNoMsgId('Installer string in context');
// No context support yet.
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Test string in context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgId('Test string in context');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic string in context');
// The singular/plural will not even be found without context, because
// Drupal 5 does not have support for args on format_plural.
->assertNoMsgId('1 test string in context');
->assertNoPluralIdContext('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context', 'Test context');
// Look at installer strings.
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_5, POTX_STRING_INSTALLER);
->assertMsgId('Installer only test string');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic callback test string');
->assertNoMsgId('1 test string');
->assertNoMsgId('This is a test string.');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
->assertMsgId('Installer string in context');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic string in context');
'First empty error' => $this->empty_error,
'Second empty error' => $this->empty_error,
'Third empty error' => $this->empty_error,
'Fourth error' => t('In @function(), the singular and plural strings should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.', [
'@function' => 'format_plural',
* Test parsing of Drupal 6 module.
public function testDrupal6() {
// Parse and build the Drupal 6 module file.
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test_6.module';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6);
// Assert strings found in module source code.
->assertMsgId('Test menu item');
->assertMsgId('This is a test menu item');
->assertMsgId('This is a test string.');
->assertMsgId('test watchdog type');
->assertMsgId('My watchdog message');
->assertMsgId('test potx permission');
->assertMsgId('one more test potx permission');
->assertPluralId('1 test string', '@count test strings');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item description');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item description altered (1)');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item description altered (2)');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item title altered');
// Installer string should not appear in runtime output.
->assertNoMsgId('Installer only test string');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic callback test string');
->assertNoMsgId('Installer string in context');
// No context support yet.
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Test string in context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgId('Test string in context');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic string in context');
->assertPluralId('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context');
->assertNoPluralIdContext('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context', 'Test context');
// Look at installer strings.
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6, POTX_STRING_INSTALLER);
->assertMsgId('Installer only test string');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic callback test string');
->assertNoMsgId('1 test string');
->assertNoMsgId('This is a test string.');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
->assertMsgId('Installer string in context');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic string in context');
'First empty error' => $this->empty_error,
'Second empty error' => $this->empty_error,
'Third empty error' => $this->empty_error,
* Test parsing of Drupal 7 module.
public function testDrupal7() {
// Parse and build the Drupal 7 module file.
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test_7.module';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_7);
// Assert strings found in module source code.
->assertMsgId('Test menu item');
->assertMsgId('This is a test menu item');
->assertMsgId('This is a test string.');
->assertMsgId('test watchdog type');
->assertMsgId('My watchdog message');
// No support for hook_perm() anymore. t() in hook_permissions().
->assertNoMsgId('test potx permission');
->assertNoMsgId('one more test potx permission');
->assertMsgId('Test potx permission');
->assertMsgId('Test potx permission description');
->assertMsgId('One more test potx permission');
->assertMsgId('One more test potx permission description');
->assertPluralId('1 test string', '@count test strings');
->assertPluralIdContext('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item description');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item description altered (1)');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item description altered (2)');
->assertMsgId('Test menu item title altered');
->assertNoMsgId('Installer only test string');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic callback test string');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
->assertMsgIdContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
// Context support added.
->assertMsgIdContext('Test string in context', 'Test context');
// Drush support.
->assertMsgId('This could have been in a drush file');
// Look at installer strings.
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_7, POTX_STRING_INSTALLER);
->assertMsgId('Installer only test string');
->assertMsgId('Dynamic callback test string');
->assertNoMsgId('1 test string');
->assertNoMsgId('This is a test string.');
->assertMsgIdContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
->assertMsgIdContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
'First empty error' => $this->empty_error,
'Second empty error' => $this->empty_error,
* Test parsing of Drupal 7 module with a syntax error.
public function testDrupal7WithSyntaxError() {
// Parse and build the Drupal 7 module file.
$filename = 'potx_test_7_with_error.module';
$file_content = "\n<?php\n\nfunction potx_test_7_with_syntax_error() {\n t('Oh god why would @you omit a parenthesis?', array('@you' => 'fool');\n t('PHP Syntax error gracefully handled');\n}\n ";
->parsePhpContent($file_content, $filename, POTX_API_7);
->assertMsgId('PHP Syntax error gracefully handled');
'Unexpected semicolon' => t('Unexpected ;'),
* Test parsing of the special DrupalManager class in Drupal 8 core.
public function testDrupal8LanguageManager() {
$filename = 'LanguageManager.php';
$file_content = "\n<?php\n\n/**\n * @file\n * Contains potx test class of \\Drupal\\Core\\Language\\LanguageManager.\n */\n\n/**\n * Mock class\n */\nclass PotxMockLanguageManager {\n\n public static function getStandardLanguageList() {\n return array(\n 'af' => array('Test English language', 'Test localized language'),\n );\n }\n\n}\n ";
->parsePhpContent($file_content, $filename, POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Test English language');
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 Twig templates.
public function testDrupal8Twig() {
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.html.twig';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('This is a translated string.');
->assertMsgId('A double-quoted string');
->assertMsgId('Here\'s a double-quoted "and escaped" string.');
->assertMsgId("Here's a string with an escaped quote.");
->assertNoMsgId('This is a concatenated string that should not be picked up.');
->assertNoMsgId('This is a concatenated string ');
->assertNoMsgId('that should not be picked up.');
->assertNoMsgId('This is an untranslated string.');
->assertMsgId('Variable string.');
->assertMsgId('Variable string with @placeholder.');
->assertMsgId('Variable string with @translatedPlaceholder.');
->assertMsgId('An include component template');
->assertMsgId('Hello sun.');
->assertMsgIdContext('Hello sun, with context.', 'Lolspeak');
->assertMsgId('Hello Earth.');
->assertMsgId('Hello moon.');
->assertPluralId('Hello star.', 'Hello @count stars.');
->assertMsgId('Escaped: @string');
->assertMsgId('Placeholder: %string');
->assertMsgId('This @node.type is submitted by, and has a length of: @count. It contains: %node.numbers and @node.bad_text.');
->assertMsgIdContext('I have context.', 'Lolspeak');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('I have no context.', 'zz');
->assertMsgIdContext('I have context and another parameter.', 'Lolspeak');
->assertMsgId('A multiline\\n trans block.');
->assertMsgId('Test string with @extra_filter');
->assertMsgId('Test string with @multiple_filters');
->assertMsgId('Test string with %multiple_filters');
->assertMsgID('Meta-data for a help topic title');
->assertNoMsgID('Meta-data that should not be translated');
'Concatenation error' => t('Uses of the t filter in Twig templates should start with a single literal string, and should not be chained.'),
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 module.
public function testDrupal8() {
// Parse and build the Drupal 8 module file.
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.module.txt';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
// Test parsing $this->t calls in D8 code.
->assertMsgId('Using t inside D8 classes ($this->t)');
// Assert strings found in module source code.
->assertMsgId('Good translation annotation');
->assertMsgId('Another good translation annotation');
->assertMsgId('Final good translation annotation');
->assertNoMsgIdContext('Good translation annotation', 'Translation test');
->assertMsgId('Translation in good context');
->assertMsgIdContext('Translation in good context', 'Translation test');
->assertPluralId('1 formatPlural test string', '@count formatPlural test strings');
->assertPluralIdContext('1 formatPlural test string in context', '@count formatPlural test strings in context', 'Test context');
->assertPluralId('1 translation->formatPlural test string', '@count translation->formatPlural test strings');
->assertPluralIdContext('1 translation->formatPlural test string in context', '@count translation->formatPlural test strings in context', 'Test context');
->assertPluralId('1 PluralTranslatableMarkup test string', '@count PluralTranslatableMarkup test strings');
->assertPluralIdContext('1 PluralTranslatableMarkup test string with context', '@count PluralTranslatableMarkup test strings with context', 'Test context');
->assertPluralIdContext('1 PluralTranslatableMarkup test string in context with two @place @holders, short array syntax', '@count PluralTranslatableMarkup test strings in context with two @place @holders, short array sytanx', 'Test context');
->assertMsgId('TranslationWrapper string');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslationWrapper string with context', 'With context');
->assertMsgId('TranslatableMarkup string');
->assertMsgId('TranslatableMarkup string without context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with long array context', 'With context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with short array context', 'With context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with long array followed by short array context', 'With context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with complicated tokens', 'With context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with complicated option tokens', 'With context');
->assertMsgId('TranslatableMarkup string with a @placeholder');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with a @placeholder and context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with a @placeholder and trailing comma and context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with two @place @holders and context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with a @placeholder and short array syntax context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with a @placeholder and trailing comma and short array syntax context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('TranslatableMarkup string with two @place @holders and short array syntax context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgId('Test translatable string inside an inline template');
->assertMsgId('Another test translatable string inside an inline template');
->assertMsgId('A translatable string inside an inline template, with double-quoted "#template" key');
->assertMsgId('Debug message');
->assertMsgId('Info message');
->assertMsgId('Notice message');
->assertMsgId('Warning message');
->assertMsgId('Error message');
->assertMsgId('Critical message');
->assertMsgId('Alert message');
->assertMsgId('Emergency message');
->assertMsgId('Log message');
->assertMsgId('Log message 2');
->assertMsgId('Log message 3');
'Incorrect @Translation' => t('In @Translation, only one, non-empty static string is allowed in double quotes.'),
'First empty error' => $this->empty_error,
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 .info.yml files.
public function testDrupal8InfoYml() {
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
// Look for name, description and package name extracted.
->assertMsgId('Translation template extractor tester');
->assertMsgId('Test description');
->assertMsgId('Test package');
->assertMsgID('Test region');
->assertMsgID('Another region');
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 .routing.yml files.
public function testDrupal8RoutingYml() {
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.routing.yml';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
// Look for all title can be extracted.
->assertMsgId('Build translation test');
->assertMsgId('Build alternative translation');
->assertMsgIdContext('Translation title in context', 'Title context');
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 local tasks, contextual link and action files.
public function testDrupal8LocalContextualYml() {
$filenames = [
$this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.links.task.yml',
$this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.links.action.yml',
$this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.links.contextual.yml',
->parseFile($filenames[0], POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Local task translation test');
->assertMsgIdContext('Local task translation with context test', 'Local task context');
->parseFile($filenames[1], POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Local action translation test');
->assertMsgIdContext('Local action translation with context test', 'Local action context');
->parseFile($filenames[2], POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Test Contextual link');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test Contextual link with context', 'Contextual Context');
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 menu link files.
public function testDrupal8MenuLinksYml() {
->parseFile($this->tests_root . '/', POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Test menu link title');
->assertMsgId('Test menu link description.');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test menu link title with context', 'Menu item context');
* Test parsing of custom yaml files.
public function testDrupal8CustomYml() {
$files = _potx_explore_dir($this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8/', '*', POTX_API_8);
->parseFile($files[0], POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Test custom yaml translatable');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test custom yaml translatable with context', 'Yaml translatable context');
// Test that translation patterns for a module won't be used for extracting
// translatable strings for another module.
potx_finish_processing('_potx_save_string', POTX_API_8);
$files = _potx_explore_dir($this->tests_root . '/potx_test_yml/', '*', POTX_API_8);
->parseFile($this->tests_root . '/potx_test_yml/potx_test_8.test2.yml', POTX_API_8);
->assertNoMsgId('Not translatable string');
->assertMsgId('Translatable string');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test custom yaml translatable field with context', 'Yaml translatable context');
// Test that custom translation patterns are extracted from subfolders.
->parseFile($this->tests_root . '/potx_test_yml/test_folder/potx_test_8.test3.yml', POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Translatable string inside directory');
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 .breakpoints.yml files.
public function testDrupal8BreakpointsYml() {
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.breakpoints.yml';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Some breakpoint group');
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 permissions files.
public function testDrupal8PermissionsYml() {
->parseFile($this->tests_root . '/potx_test_8.permissions.yml', POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Title potx_test_8_a');
->assertMsgId('Description: potx_test_8_a');
->assertMsgId('Title potx_test_8_b');
* Test parsing of Drupal 8 shipped configuration files.
public function testDrupal8ShippedConfiguration() {
potx_status('set', POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED);
global $_potx_store, $_potx_strings, $_potx_install;
$_potx_store = $_potx_strings = $_potx_install = [];
$test_d8_path = $this->tests_root . '/drupal8';
$files = _potx_explore_dir($test_d8_path, '*', POTX_API_8, TRUE);
foreach ($files as $file) {
_potx_process_file($file, 0, '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', POTX_API_8);
_potx_parse_shipped_configuration('_potx_save_string', POTX_API_8);
for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) {
->assertNoMsgId($i . '');
// Test extraction of config schema labels.
// Make sure all the 'label' strings are extracted.
->assertMsgId('Test integer');
->assertMsgId('Test string with "quotes"');
->assertMsgId('Mapping integer');
->assertMsgId('Test string in sequence');
// Make sure other strings are not extracted.
// Test extraction of shipped config translatables.
->assertMsgId('A string with "translatable: true" property');
->assertMsgIdContext('Y-m-d', 'PHP date format');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test string with context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test label with context', 'Test label with context');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test overriding context', 'Test context override');
->assertMsgId('Simple mapping name');
->assertMsgId('Simple mapping code');
->assertMsgId('Mapping with type - name');
->assertMsgId('Mapping with type - code');
->assertMsgId('Mapping with type - extra label');
->assertMsgId('Simple sequence - Item 1');
->assertMsgId('Simple sequence - Item 2');
->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 1 name');
->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 1 code');
->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 2 name');
->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 2 code');
->assertMsgId('Sequence of sequence - Description 1');
->assertMsgId('Sequence of sequence - Description 2');
->assertMsgId('BC sequence item 1');
->assertMsgId('BC sequence item 2');
->assertMsgId('Basic variable (text)');
->assertMsgId('Parent variable (text)');
->assertMsgId('Key variable (text)');
->assertMsgId('Complex variable test');
->assertMsgId('Optional config translatable string');
->assertMsgIdContext('Optional config test string with context', 'Test context');
->assertNoMsgId('A simple string');
->assertNoMsgId('A text with "translatable: false" property');
->assertNoMsgId('Basic variable (custom)');
->assertNoMsgId('Parent variable (custom)');
->assertNoMsgId('Key variable (custom)');
->assertPluralId('1 place', '@count places');
->assertPluralId('1 comment', '@count comments', 'Test context');
->assertMsgId('Test boolean based variable');
$broken_twig_path = __DIR__ . '/../../../tests/drupal8/broken_twig.html.twig';
'Broken twig error' => t("Twig parsing error on file @path: @error", [
'@path' => $broken_twig_path,
'@error' => 'Unexpected character "&" in "' . $broken_twig_path . '" at line 1.',
* Test parsing Drupal 8 validation constraint messages.
public function testDrupal8ConstraintMessages() {
$filename = 'TestConstraint.php';
$file_content = "\n<?php\nclass TestConstraint {\n\n public \$message = 'Test message';\n public \$testMessage = 'Test message 2';\n public \$testPluralMessage = '1 test message|@count test message';\n public \$normalVar = 'Not a message for translation';\n}\n ";
->parsePhpContent($file_content, $filename, POTX_API_8);
->assertMsgId('Test message');
->assertMsgId('Test message 2');
->assertPluralId('1 test message', '@count test message');
->assertNoMsgId('Not a message for translation');
* Test parsing of Drupal 6 info file. Drupal 5 and 7 have no other rules.
public function testDrupalInfo() {
// Parse and build the Drupal 6 module file.
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6);
// Look for name, description and package name extracted.
->assertMsgId('Translation template extractor tester');
->assertMsgId('Test description');
->assertMsgId('Test package');
* Test parsing of a Drupal JS file.
public function testDrupalJs() {
// Parse and build the Drupal JS file (from above Drupal 5).
$filename = $this->tests_root . '/potx_test.js';
->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6);
// Assert strings found in JS source code.
->assertMsgId('Test string in JS');
->assertPluralId('1 test string in JS', '@count test strings in JS');
->assertMsgId('String with @placeholder value');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test string in JS in test context', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('Test string in JS in context and with @placeholder', 'Test context');
->assertMsgIdContext('Multiline string for the test with @placeholder', 'Test context');
->assertPluralIdContext('1 test string in JS in test context', '@count test strings in JS in test context', 'Test context');
->assertPluralIdContext('1 test string in JS with context and @placeholder', '@count test strings in JS with context and @placeholder', 'Test context');
'Empty error' => $this->empty_error,
* Parse the given file with the given API version.
private function parseFile($filename, $api_version, $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) {
global $_potx_store, $_potx_strings, $_potx_install;
$_potx_store = $_potx_strings = $_potx_install = [];
potx_status('set', POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED);
_potx_process_file($filename, 0, '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', $api_version);
_potx_build_files($string_mode, POTX_BUILD_SINGLE, 'general', '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', '_potx_get_header', NULL, NULL, $api_version);
// Grab .po representation of parsed content.
$this->potx_output = ob_get_clean();
// debug(var_export($this->potx_output, TRUE));.
$this->potx_status = potx_status('get', TRUE);
// debug(var_export($this->potx_status, TRUE));.
* Parse the given file with the given API version.
private function parsePhpContent($code, $filename, $api_version, $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) {
global $_potx_store, $_potx_strings, $_potx_install;
$_potx_store = $_potx_strings = $_potx_install = [];
$basename = basename($filename);
$name_parts = pathinfo($basename);
potx_status('set', POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED);
_potx_parse_php_file($code, $filename, '_potx_save_string', $name_parts, $basename, $api_version);
_potx_build_files($string_mode, POTX_BUILD_SINGLE, 'general', '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', '_potx_get_header', NULL, NULL, $api_version);
// Grab .po representation of parsed content.
$this->potx_output = ob_get_clean();
// debug(var_export($this->potx_output, TRUE));.
$this->potx_status = potx_status('get', TRUE);
// debug(var_export($this->potx_status, TRUE));.
* Build the output from parsed files.
private function buildOutput($api_version, $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) {
potx_status('set', POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED);
_potx_build_files($string_mode, POTX_BUILD_SINGLE, 'general', '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', '_potx_get_header', NULL, NULL, $api_version);
// Grab .po representation of parsed content.
$this->potx_output = ob_get_clean();
$this->potx_status = potx_status('get', TRUE);
* Assert a msgid construct in the .po file.
private function assertMsgId($string, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
if (!$message) {
$message = new FormattableMarkup('MsgID "@raw" found', [
'@raw' => $string,
->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assert the lack of a msgid construct in the .po file.
private function assertNoMsgId($string, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
if (!$message) {
$message = new FormattableMarkup('MsgID "@raw" not found', [
'@raw' => $string,
->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"') === FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assert a msgid with context in the .po file.
private function assertMsgIdContext($string, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
if (!$message) {
$message = new FormattableMarkup('MsgID "@raw" in context "@context" found', [
'@raw' => $string,
'@context' => $context,
->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgctxt "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . "\"\nmsgid \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assert the lack of a msgid with context in the .po file.
private function assertNoMsgIdContext($string, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
if (!$message) {
$message = new FormattableMarkup('No MsgID "@raw" in context "@context" found', [
'@raw' => $string,
'@context' => $context,
->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"' . "\nmsgctxt \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . '"') === FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assert a msgid_plural construct in the .po file.
private function assertPluralId($string, $plural, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
if (!$message) {
$message = new FormattableMarkup('Plural ID "@raw" found', [
'@raw' => $string,
->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . "\"\nmsgid_plural \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $plural . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assert a msgid_plural with context in the .po file.
private function assertPluralIdContext($string, $plural, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
if (!$message) {
$message = new FormattableMarkup('Plural ID "@raw" found with context "@context"', [
'@raw' => $string,
'@context' => $context,
->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgctxt "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . "\"\nmsgid \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . "\"\nmsgid_plural \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $plural . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assert the lack of msgid_plural with context in the .po file.
private function assertNoPluralIdContext($string, $plural, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
if (!$message) {
$message = new FormattableMarkup('No plural ID "@raw" found with context "@context"', [
'@raw' => $string,
'@context' => $context,
->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgctxt "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . "\"\nmsgid \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . "\"\nmsgid_plural \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $plural . '"') . '"') === FALSE, $message, $group);
* Assert the list of expected errors generated by potx from parsing the input files.
* @param array $expected_errors
* The list of expected errors.
private function assertPotxErrors($expected_errors) {
->assert(count($this->potx_status) == count($expected_errors), count($expected_errors) . ' error messages found');
$potx_errors = array_column($this->potx_status, 0);
foreach ($expected_errors as $assert_msg => $error_msg) {
$key = array_search($error_msg, $potx_errors);
->assert($key !== FALSE, $assert_msg . ' found');
if ($key !== FALSE) {
* Debug functionality until simpletest built-in debugging is backported.
private function outputScreenContents($description = 'output', $basename = 'output') {
// This is a hack to get a directory that won't be cleaned up by simpletest.
$file_dir = file_directory_path() . '/../simpletest_output_pages';
if (!is_dir($file_dir)) {
mkdir($file_dir, 0777, TRUE);
$output_path = "{$file_dir}/{$basename}." . $this
->randomName(10) . '.html';
$rv = file_put_contents($output_path, $this
->pass("{$description}: " . l(t('Contents of result page'), $output_path));
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The current raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The drupalSettings value from the current raw $content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The XML structure parsed from the current raw $content. | 1 |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | property | The plain-text content of raw $content (text nodes). | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS found escaped on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given name or ID. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given ID and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given name and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists in the current page by the given XPath. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists in the current page with a given Xpath result. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link with the specified label is found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that each HTML ID is used for just a single element. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS NOT found escaped on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given name or ID. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given ID and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given name and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist or its value does not match, by XPath. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is not checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link with the specified label is not found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is not found. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href is not found in the main region. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page does not exist. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page is not checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Triggers a pass if the perl regex pattern is not found in raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text is NOT found on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) does not contains the text. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Pass if the page title is not the given string. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the text is found MORE THAN ONCE on the text version of the page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page exists. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option with the visible text exists. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page exists. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Triggers a pass if the Perl regex pattern is found in the raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS found on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) contains the text. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper for assertText and assertNoText. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a Perl regex pattern is found in the plain-text content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts themed output. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Pass if the page title is the given string. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the text is found ONLY ONCE on the text version of the page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper for assertUniqueText and assertNoUniqueText. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Builds an XPath query. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper: Constructs an XPath for the given set of attributes and value. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Searches elements using a CSS selector in the raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Get all option elements, including nested options, in a select. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the value of drupalSettings for the currently-loaded page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the current raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Get the selected value from a select field. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Retrieves the plain-text content from the current raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Get the current URL from the cURL handler. | 1 |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Parse content returned from curlExec using DOM and SimpleXML. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Removes all white-space between HTML tags from the raw content. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Sets the value of drupalSettings for the currently-loaded page. | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Sets the raw content (e.g. HTML). | |
AssertContentTrait:: |
protected | function | Performs an xpath search on the contents of the internal browser. | |
AssertHelperTrait:: |
protected static | function | Casts MarkupInterface objects into strings. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Deprecated Scheduled for removal in Drupal 10.0.0. Use self::assertTrue() instead. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Deprecated Scheduled for removal in Drupal 10.0.0. Use self::assertEquals() instead. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Deprecated Scheduled for removal in Drupal 10.0.0. Use self::assertSame() instead. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Deprecated Scheduled for removal in Drupal 10.0.0. Use self::assertEquals() instead. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Deprecated Scheduled for removal in Drupal 10.0.0. Use self::assertNotEquals() instead. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Deprecated Scheduled for removal in Drupal 10.0.0. Use self::assertNotSame() instead. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Deprecated Scheduled for removal in Drupal 10.0.0. Use self::assertTrue() instead. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
ConfigTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns a ConfigImporter object to import test configuration. | |
ConfigTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Copies configuration objects from source storage to target storage. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | Back up and restore any global variables that may be changed by tests. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | Back up and restore static class properties that may be changed by tests. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | Contains a few static class properties for performance. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | ||
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | @todo Move into Config test base class. | 7 |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected static | property | An array of config object names that are excluded from schema checking. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | ||
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | ||
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | Do not forward any global state from the parent process to the processes that run the actual tests. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | The app root. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | Kernel tests are run in separate processes because they allow autoloading of code from extensions. Running the test in a separate process isolates this behavior from other tests. Subclasses should not override this property. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | ||
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | Set to TRUE to strict check all configuration saved. | 6 |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | property | The virtual filesystem root directory. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | 1 | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Bootstraps a basic test environment. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
private | function | Bootstraps a kernel for a test. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Configuration accessor for tests. Returns non-overridden configuration. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Disables modules for this test. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Enables modules for this test. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the config schema exclusions for this test. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the Database connection info to be used for this test. | 1 |
KernelTestBase:: |
public | function | ||
KernelTestBase:: |
private | function | Returns Extension objects for $modules to enable. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
private static | function | Returns the modules to enable for this test. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initializes the FileCache component. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Installs default configuration for a given list of modules. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Installs the storage schema for a specific entity type. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Installs database tables from a module schema definition. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Returns whether the current test method is running in a separate process. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | ||
KernelTestBase:: |
public | function |
Registers test-specific services. Overrides ServiceProviderInterface:: |
26 |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Renders a render array. | 1 |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Sets the install profile and rebuilds the container to update it. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Sets an in-memory Settings variable. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
public static | function | 1 | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Sets up the filesystem, so things like the file directory. | 2 |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Stops test execution. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | 6 | |
KernelTestBase:: |
public | function | @after | |
KernelTestBase:: |
protected | function | Dumps the current state of the virtual filesystem to STDOUT. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
public | function | BC: Automatically resolve former KernelTestBase class properties. | |
KernelTestBase:: |
public | function | Prevents serializing any properties. | |
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait:: |
public | function | Returns a mock object for the specified class using the available method. | |
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait:: |
public | function | Compatibility layer for PHPUnit 6 to support PHPUnit 4 code. | |
PotxTest:: |
protected static | property |
Modules to enable. Overrides KernelTestBase:: |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert a msgid construct in the .po file. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert a msgid with context in the .po file. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert the lack of a msgid construct in the .po file. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert the lack of a msgid with context in the .po file. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert the lack of msgid_plural with context in the .po file. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert a msgid_plural construct in the .po file. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert a msgid_plural with context in the .po file. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Assert the list of expected errors generated by potx from parsing the input files. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Build the output from parsed files. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Debug functionality until simpletest built-in debugging is backported. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Parse the given file with the given API version. | |
PotxTest:: |
private | function | Parse the given file with the given API version. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function |
Overrides KernelTestBase:: |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 5 module. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 6 module. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 7 module. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 7 module with a syntax error. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 module. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 .breakpoints.yml files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing Drupal 8 validation constraint messages. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of custom yaml files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 .info.yml files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of the special DrupalManager class in Drupal 8 core. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 local tasks, contextual link and action files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 menu link files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 permissions files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 .routing.yml files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 shipped configuration files. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 8 Twig templates. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of Drupal 6 info file. Drupal 5 and 7 have no other rules. | |
PotxTest:: |
public | function | Test parsing of a Drupal JS file. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | property | The random generator. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the random generator for the utility methods. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers. | 1 |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Generates a random PHP object. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Generates a pseudo-random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Callback for random string validation. | |
StorageCopyTrait:: |
protected static | function | Copy the configuration from one storage to another and remove stale items. | |
TestRequirementsTrait:: |
private | function | Checks missing module requirements. | |
TestRequirementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Check module requirements for the Drupal use case. | 1 |
TestRequirementsTrait:: |
protected static | function | Returns the Drupal root directory. |