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public function PotxTest::testDrupal8ShippedConfiguration in Translation template extractor 8

Test parsing of Drupal 8 shipped configuration files.


tests/src/Kernel/PotxTest.php, line 511


Ensure that the translation template extractor functions properly.




public function testDrupal8ShippedConfiguration() {
  potx_status('set', POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED);
  global $_potx_store, $_potx_strings, $_potx_install;
  $_potx_store = $_potx_strings = $_potx_install = [];
  $test_d8_path = $this->tests_root . '/drupal8';
  $files = _potx_explore_dir($test_d8_path, '*', POTX_API_8, TRUE);
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    _potx_process_file($file, 0, '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', POTX_API_8);
  _potx_parse_shipped_configuration('_potx_save_string', POTX_API_8);
  for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) {
      ->assertNoMsgId($i . '');

  // Test extraction of config schema labels.
  // Make sure all the 'label' strings are extracted.
    ->assertMsgId('Test integer');
    ->assertMsgId('Test string with "quotes"');
    ->assertMsgId('Mapping integer');
    ->assertMsgId('Test string in sequence');

  // Make sure other strings are not extracted.

  // Test extraction of shipped config translatables.
    ->assertMsgId('A string with "translatable: true" property');
    ->assertMsgIdContext('Y-m-d', 'PHP date format');
    ->assertMsgIdContext('Test string with context', 'Test context');
    ->assertMsgIdContext('Test label with context', 'Test label with context');
    ->assertMsgIdContext('Test overriding context', 'Test context override');
    ->assertMsgId('Simple mapping name');
    ->assertMsgId('Simple mapping code');
    ->assertMsgId('Mapping with type - name');
    ->assertMsgId('Mapping with type - code');
    ->assertMsgId('Mapping with type - extra label');
    ->assertMsgId('Simple sequence - Item 1');
    ->assertMsgId('Simple sequence - Item 2');
    ->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 1 name');
    ->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 1 code');
    ->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 2 name');
    ->assertMsgId('Typed sequence - Item 2 code');
    ->assertMsgId('Sequence of sequence - Description 1');
    ->assertMsgId('Sequence of sequence - Description 2');
    ->assertMsgId('BC sequence item 1');
    ->assertMsgId('BC sequence item 2');
    ->assertMsgId('Basic variable (text)');
    ->assertMsgId('Parent variable (text)');
    ->assertMsgId('Key variable (text)');
    ->assertMsgId('Complex variable test');
    ->assertMsgId('Optional config translatable string');
    ->assertMsgIdContext('Optional config test string with context', 'Test context');
    ->assertNoMsgId('A simple string');
    ->assertNoMsgId('A text with "translatable: false" property');
    ->assertNoMsgId('Basic variable (custom)');
    ->assertNoMsgId('Parent variable (custom)');
    ->assertNoMsgId('Key variable (custom)');
    ->assertPluralId('1 place', '@count places');
    ->assertPluralId('1 comment', '@count comments', 'Test context');
    ->assertMsgId('Test boolean based variable');
  $broken_twig_path = __DIR__ . '/../../../tests/drupal8/broken_twig.html.twig';
    'Broken twig error' => t("Twig parsing error on file @path: @error", [
      '@path' => $broken_twig_path,
      '@error' => 'Unexpected character "&" in "' . $broken_twig_path . '" at line 1.',