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16 calls to PotxTestCase::parseFile() in Translation template extractor 6.3

PotxTestCase::testDrupal5 in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 5 module.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal6 in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 6 module.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal7 in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 7 module.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8 in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 module.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8BreakpointsYml in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 .breakpoints.yml files.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8ConstraintMessages in tests/potx.test
Test parsing Drupal 8 validation constraint messages.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8CustomYml in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of custom yaml files.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8InfoYml in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 .info.yml files.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8LanguageManager in tests/potx.test
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8LocalContextualYml in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 local tasks, contextual link and action files.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8MenuLinksYml in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 menu link files.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8PermissionsYml in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 permissions files.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8RoutingYml in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 .routing.yml files.
PotxTestCase::testDrupal8Twig in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 8 Twig templates.
PotxTestCase::testDrupalInfo in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of Drupal 6 info file. Drupal 5 and 7 have no other rules.
PotxTestCase::testDrupalJS in tests/potx.test
Test parsing of a Drupal JS file.