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potx.test in Translation template extractor 6.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.3 tests/potx.test
  2. 7 tests/potx.test
  3. 7.2 tests/potx.test

Tests to ensure that the template extractor works as intended.


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 * @file
 *   Tests to ensure that the template extractor works as intended.
class PotxTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Translation template extractor'),
      'description' => t('Ensure that the translation template extractor functions properly.'),
      'group' => t('Translation template extractor'),
  public function setUp() {

    // Set up required modules for potx.
    parent::setUp('locale', 'potx');

    // Add which we test for its functionality.
    include_once __DIR__ . '/../';

    // Store empty error message for reuse in multiple cases.
    $this->empty_error = t('Empty string attempted to be localized. Please do not leave test code for localization in your source.');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 5 module.
  public function testDrupal5() {

    // Parse and build the Drupal 5 module file.
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test_5.module';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_5);

    // Assert strings found in module source code.
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item in 5');
      ->assertMsgID('This is a test menu item in 5');
      ->assertMsgID('This is a test string.');
      ->assertMsgID('test watchdog type');

    // No support for instant t() in watchdog.
      ->assertNoMsgID('My watchdog message');
      ->assertMsgID('test potx permission');
      ->assertMsgID('one more test potx permission');
      ->assertPluralID('1 test string', '@count test strings');

    // Installer string should not appear in runtime output.
      ->assertNoMsgID('Installer only test string');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic callback test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('Installer string in context');

    // No context support yet.
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Test string in context', 'Test context');
      ->assertMsgID('Test string in context');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic string in context');

    // The singular/plural will not even be found without context, because
    // Drupal 5 does not have support for args on format_plural.
      ->assertNoMsgID('1 test string in context');
      ->assertNoPluralIDContext('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context', 'Test context');

    // Look at installer strings.
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_5, POTX_STRING_INSTALLER);
      ->assertMsgID('Installer only test string');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic callback test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('1 test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('This is a test string.');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
      ->assertMsgID('Installer string in context');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic string in context');
      ->assert(count($this->potx_status) == 4, t('4 error messages found'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[0][0] == $this->empty_error, t('First empty error found.'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[1][0] == $this->empty_error, t('Second empty error found.'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[2][0] == 'In format_plural(), the singular and plural strings should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.', t('Fourth error found.'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[3][0] == $this->empty_error, t('Third empty error found.'));

   * Test parsing of Drupal 6 module.
  public function testDrupal6() {

    // Parse and build the Drupal 6 module file.
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test_6.module';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6);

    // Assert strings found in module source code.
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item');
      ->assertMsgID('This is a test menu item');
      ->assertMsgID('This is a test string.');
      ->assertMsgID('test watchdog type');
      ->assertMsgID('My watchdog message');
      ->assertMsgID('test potx permission');
      ->assertMsgID('one more test potx permission');
      ->assertPluralID('1 test string', '@count test strings');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item description');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item description altered (1)');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item description altered (2)');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item title altered');

    // Installer string should not appear in runtime output.
      ->assertNoMsgID('Installer only test string');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic callback test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('Installer string in context');

    // No context support yet.
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Test string in context', 'Test context');
      ->assertMsgID('Test string in context');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic string in context');
      ->assertPluralID('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context');
      ->assertNoPluralIDContext('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context', 'Test context');

    // Look at installer strings.
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6, POTX_STRING_INSTALLER);
      ->assertMsgID('Installer only test string');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic callback test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('1 test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('This is a test string.');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
      ->assertMsgID('Installer string in context');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic string in context');
      ->assert(count($this->potx_status) == 3, t('3 error messages found'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[0][0] == $this->empty_error, t('First empty error found.'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[1][0] == $this->empty_error, t('Second empty error found.'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[2][0] == $this->empty_error, t('Third empty error found.'));

   * Test parsing of Drupal 7 module.
  public function testDrupal7() {

    // Parse and build the Drupal 7 module file.
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test_7.module';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_7);

    // Assert strings found in module source code.
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item');
      ->assertMsgID('This is a test menu item');
      ->assertMsgID('This is a test string.');
      ->assertMsgID('test watchdog type');
      ->assertMsgID('My watchdog message');

    // No support for hook_perm() anymore. t() in hook_permissions().
      ->assertNoMsgID('test potx permission');
      ->assertNoMsgID('one more test potx permission');
      ->assertMsgID('Test potx permission');
      ->assertMsgID('Test potx permission description');
      ->assertMsgID('One more test potx permission');
      ->assertMsgID('One more test potx permission description');
      ->assertPluralID('1 test string', '@count test strings');
      ->assertPluralIDContext('1 test string in context', '@count test strings in context', 'Test context');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item description');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item description altered (1)');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item description altered (2)');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu item title altered');
      ->assertNoMsgID('Installer only test string');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic callback test string');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');

    // Context support added.
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test string in context', 'Test context');

    // Look at installer strings.
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_7, POTX_STRING_INSTALLER);
      ->assertMsgID('Installer only test string');
      ->assertMsgID('Dynamic callback test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('1 test string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('This is a test string.');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Installer string in context', 'Installer context');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Dynamic string in context', 'Dynamic context');
      ->assert(count($this->potx_status) == 2, t('2 error messages found'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[0][0] == $this->empty_error, t('First empty error found.'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[1][0] == $this->empty_error, t('Second empty error found.'));
  public function testDrupal8LanguageManager() {
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/LanguageManager.php';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Test English language');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 Twig templates.
  public function testDrupal8Twig() {
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.html.twig';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('This is a translated string.');
      ->assertMsgID('A double-quoted string');
      ->assertMsgID('Here\'s a double-quoted "and escaped" string.');
      ->assertMsgID("Here's a string with an escaped quote.");
      ->assertNoMsgID('This is a concatenated string that should not be picked up.');
      ->assertNoMsgID('This is a concatenated string ');
      ->assertNoMsgID('that should not be picked up.');
      ->assertNoMsgID('This is an untranslated string.');
      ->assert(count($this->potx_status) == 1, t('1 error message found'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[0][0] == t('Uses of the t filter in Twig templates should start with a single literal string, and should not be chained.'), t('Concatenation error found.'));
      ->assertMsgID('Hello sun.');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Hello sun, with context.', 'Lolspeak');
      ->assertMsgID('Hello Earth.');
      ->assertMsgID('Hello moon.');
      ->assertPluralID('Hello star.', 'Hello @count stars.');
      ->assertMsgID('Escaped: @string');
      ->assertMsgID('Pass-through: !string');
      ->assertMsgID('Placeholder: %string');
      ->assertMsgID('This @node.type is submitted by, and has a length of: @count. It contains: %node.numbers and @node.bad_text. Lets pass the bad text through: !node.bad_text.');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('I have context.', 'Lolspeak');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('I have no context.', 'zz');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('I have context and another parameter.', 'Lolspeak');
      ->assertMsgID('A multiline\\n    trans block.');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 module.
  public function testDrupal8() {

    // Parse and build the Drupal 8 module file.
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.module';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);

    // Test parsing $this->t calls in D8 code
      ->assertMsgID('Using t inside D8 classes ($this->t)');

    // Assert strings found in module source code.
      ->assertMsgID('Good translation annotation');
      ->assertMsgID('Another good translation annotation');
      ->assertMsgID('Final good translation annotation');
      ->assertNoMsgIDContext('Good translation annotation', 'Translation test');
      ->assertMsgID('Translation in good context');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Translation in good context', 'Translation test');
      ->assert(count($this->potx_status) == 2, t('2 error messages found'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[0][0] == 'In @Translation, only one, non-empty static string is allowed in double quotes.', t('Incorrect @Translation found.'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[1][0] == $this->empty_error, t('Second empty error found.'));
      ->assertPluralID('1 formatPlural test string', '@count formatPlural test strings');
      ->assertPluralIDContext('1 formatPlural test string in context', '@count formatPlural test strings in context', 'Test context');
      ->assertPluralID('1 translation->formatPlural test string', '@count translation->formatPlural test strings');
      ->assertPluralIDContext('1 translation->formatPlural test string in context', '@count translation->formatPlural test strings in context', 'Test context');
      ->assertPluralID('1 PluralTranslatableMarkup test string', '@count PluralTranslatableMarkup test strings');
      ->assertPluralIDContext('1 PluralTranslatableMarkup test string with context', '@count PluralTranslatableMarkup test strings with context', 'Test context');
      ->assertMsgID('TranslationWrapper string');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('TranslationWrapper string with context', 'With context');
      ->assertMsgID('TranslatableMarkup string');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('TranslatableMarkup string with context', 'With context');
      ->assertMsgID('Test translatable string inside an inline template');
      ->assertMsgID('Another test translatable string inside an inline template');
      ->assertMsgID('A translatable string inside an inline template, with double-quoted "#template" key');
      ->assertMsgID('Debug message');
      ->assertMsgID('Info message');
      ->assertMsgID('Notice message');
      ->assertMsgID('Warning message');
      ->assertMsgID('Error message');
      ->assertMsgID('Critical message');
      ->assertMsgID('Alert message');
      ->assertMsgID('Emergency message');
      ->assertMsgID('Log message');
      ->assertMsgID('Log message 2');
      ->assertMsgID('Log message 3');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 .info.yml files.
  public function testDrupal8InfoYml() {
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);

    // Look for name, description and package name extracted.
      ->assertMsgID('Translation template extractor tester');
      ->assertMsgID('Test description');
      ->assertMsgID('Test package');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 .routing.yml files.
  public function testDrupal8RoutingYml() {
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.routing.yml';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);

    // Look for all title can be extracted
      ->assertMsgID('Build translation test');
      ->assertMsgID('Build alternative translation');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Translation title in context', 'Title context');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 local tasks, contextual link and action files.
  public function testDrupal8LocalContextualYml() {
    $filenames = array(
      __DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.links.task.yml',
      __DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.links.action.yml',
      __DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.links.contextual.yml',
      ->parseFile($filenames[0], POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Local task translation test');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Local task translation with context test', 'Local task context');
      ->parseFile($filenames[1], POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Local action translation test');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Local action translation with context test', 'Local action context');
      ->parseFile($filenames[2], POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Test Contextual link');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test Contextual link with context', 'Contextual Context');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 menu link files.
  public function testDrupal8MenuLinksYml() {
      ->parseFile(__DIR__ . '/', POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu link title');
      ->assertMsgID('Test menu link description.');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test menu link title with context', 'Menu item context');

   * Test parsing of custom yaml files.
  public function testDrupal8CustomYml() {
    $files = _potx_explore_dir(__DIR__ . '/potx_test_8/', '*', POTX_API_8);
      ->parseFile($files[0], POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Test custom yaml translatable');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test custom yaml translatable with context', 'Yaml translatable context');

    // Test that translation patterns for a module won't be used for extracting
    // translatable strings for another module.
    potx_finish_processing('_potx_save_string', POTX_API_8);
    $files = _potx_explore_dir(__DIR__ . '/potx_test_yml/', '*', POTX_API_8);
      ->parseFile(__DIR__ . '/potx_test_yml/potx_test_8.test2.yml', POTX_API_8);
      ->assertNoMsgID('Not translatable string');
      ->assertMsgID('Translatable string');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test custom yaml translatable field with context', 'Yaml translatable context');

    // Test that custom translation patterns are extracted from subfolders.
      ->parseFile(__DIR__ . '/potx_test_yml/test_folder/potx_test_8.test3.yml', POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Translatable string inside directory');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 .breakpoints.yml files.
  public function testDrupal8BreakpointsYml() {
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.breakpoints.yml';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Some breakpoint group');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 permissions files.
  public function testDrupal8PermissionsYml() {
      ->parseFile(__DIR__ . '/potx_test_8.permissions.yml', POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Title potx_test_8_a');
      ->assertMsgID('Description: potx_test_8_a');
      ->assertMsgID('Title potx_test_8_b');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 8 shipped configuration files.
  public function testDrupal8ShippedConfiguration() {
    global $_potx_store, $_potx_strings, $_potx_install;
    $_potx_store = $_potx_strings = $_potx_install = array();
    $test_d8_path = __DIR__ . '/drupal8';
    $files = _potx_explore_dir($test_d8_path, '*', POTX_API_8, TRUE);
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      _potx_process_file($file, 0, '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', POTX_API_8);
    _potx_parse_shipped_configuration('_potx_save_string', POTX_API_8);
    for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) {
        ->assertNoMsgID($i . '');

    // Test extraction of config schema labels.
    // Make sure all the 'label' strings are extracted.
      ->assertMsgID('Test integer');
      ->assertMsgID('Test string with "quotes"');
      ->assertMsgID('Mapping integer');
      ->assertMsgID('Test string in sequence');

    // Make sure other strings are not extracted.

    // Test extraction of shipped config translatables.
      ->assertMsgID('A string with "translatable: true" property');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Y-m-d', 'PHP date format');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test string with context', 'Test context');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test label with context', 'Test label with context');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test overriding context', 'Test context override');
      ->assertMsgID('Simple mapping name');
      ->assertMsgID('Simple mapping code');
      ->assertMsgID('Mapping with type - name');
      ->assertMsgID('Mapping with type - code');
      ->assertMsgID('Mapping with type - extra label');
      ->assertMsgID('Simple sequence - Item 1');
      ->assertMsgID('Simple sequence - Item 2');
      ->assertMsgID('Typed sequence - Item 1 name');
      ->assertMsgID('Typed sequence - Item 1 code');
      ->assertMsgID('Typed sequence - Item 2 name');
      ->assertMsgID('Typed sequence - Item 2 code');
      ->assertMsgID('Sequence of sequence - Description 1');
      ->assertMsgID('Sequence of sequence - Description 2');
      ->assertMsgID('Basic variable (text)');
      ->assertMsgID('Parent variable (text)');
      ->assertMsgID('Key variable (text)');
      ->assertMsgID('Complex variable test');
      ->assertMsgID('Optional config translatable string');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Optional config test string with context', 'Test context');
      ->assertNoMsgID('A simple string');
      ->assertNoMsgID('A text with "translatable: false" property');
      ->assertNoMsgID('Basic variable (custom)');
      ->assertNoMsgID('Parent variable (custom)');
      ->assertNoMsgID('Key variable (custom)');

   * Test parsing Drupal 8 validation constraint messages.
  public function testDrupal8ConstraintMessages() {
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/TestConstraint.php';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_8);
      ->assertMsgID('Test message');
      ->assertMsgID('Test message 2');
      ->assertPluralID('1 test message', '@count test message');
      ->assertNoMsgID('Not a message for translation');

   * Test parsing of Drupal 6 info file. Drupal 5 and 7 have no other rules.
  public function testDrupalInfo() {

    // Parse and build the Drupal 6 module file.
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6);

    // Look for name, description and package name extracted.
      ->assertMsgID('Translation template extractor tester');
      ->assertMsgID('Test description');
      ->assertMsgID('Test package');

   * Test parsing of a Drupal JS file.
  public function testDrupalJS() {

    // Parse and build the Drupal JS file (from above Drupal 5).
    $filename = __DIR__ . '/potx_test.js';
      ->parseFile($filename, POTX_API_6);

    // Assert strings found in JS source code.
      ->assertMsgID('Test string in JS');
      ->assertPluralID('1 test string in JS', '@count test strings in JS');
      ->assertMsgID('String with @placeholder value');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test string in JS in test context', 'Test context');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Test string in JS in context and with @placeholder', 'Test context');
      ->assertMsgIDContext('Multiline string for the test with @placeholder', 'Test context');
      ->assertPluralIDContext('1 test string in JS in test context', '@count test strings in JS in test context', 'Test context');
      ->assertPluralIDContext('1 test string in JS with context and @placeholder', '@count test strings in JS with context and @placeholder', 'Test context');
      ->assert(count($this->potx_status) == 1, t('1 error message found'));
      ->assert($this->potx_status[0][0] == $this->empty_error, t('Empty error found.'));

   * Parse the given file with the given API version.
  private function parseFile($filename, $api_version, $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) {
    global $_potx_store, $_potx_strings, $_potx_install;
    $_potx_store = $_potx_strings = $_potx_install = array();
    potx_status('set', POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED);
    _potx_process_file($filename, 0, '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', $api_version);
    _potx_build_files($string_mode, POTX_BUILD_SINGLE, 'general', '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', '_potx_get_header', NULL, NULL, $api_version);

    // Grab .po representation of parsed content.
    $this->potx_output = ob_get_clean();

    //debug(var_export($this->potx_output, TRUE));
    $this->potx_status = potx_status('get', TRUE);

    //debug(var_export($this->potx_status, TRUE));

   * Build the output from parsed files.
  private function buildOutput($api_version, $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) {
    potx_status('set', POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED);
    _potx_build_files($string_mode, POTX_BUILD_SINGLE, 'general', '_potx_save_string', '_potx_save_version', '_potx_get_header', NULL, NULL, $api_version);

    // Grab .po representation of parsed content.
    $this->potx_output = ob_get_clean();
    $this->potx_status = potx_status('get', TRUE);

   * Helper function to assert an msgid construct in the .po file.
  private function assertMsgID($string, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('MsgID "@raw" found', array(
        '@raw' => check_plain($string),
      ->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);

   * Helper function to assert a missing msgid construct in the .po file.
  private function assertNoMsgID($string, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('MsgID "@raw" not found', array(
        '@raw' => check_plain($string),
      ->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"') === FALSE, $message, $group);

   * Helper function to assert an msgid with context in the .po file.
  private function assertMsgIDContext($string, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('MsgID "@raw" in context "@context" found', array(
        '@raw' => check_plain($string),
        '@context' => check_plain($context),
      ->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgctxt "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . "\"\nmsgid \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);

   * Helper function to assert an msgid with context in the .po file.
  private function assertNoMsgIDContext($string, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('No MsgID "@raw" in context "@context" found', array(
        '@raw' => check_plain($string),
        '@context' => check_plain($context),
      ->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . '"' . "\nmsgctxt \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . '"') === FALSE, $message, $group);

   * Helper function to assert an msgid_plural construct in the .po file.
  private function assertPluralID($string, $plural, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('Plural ID "@raw" found', array(
        '@raw' => check_plain($string),
      ->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgid "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . "\"\nmsgid_plural \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $plural . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);

   * Helper function to assert an msgid_plural with context in the .po file.
  private function assertPluralIDContext($string, $plural, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('Plural ID "@raw" found with context "@context"', array(
        '@raw' => check_plain($string),
        '@context' => $context,
      ->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgctxt "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . "\"\nmsgid \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . "\"\nmsgid_plural \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $plural . '"') . '"') !== FALSE, $message, $group);

   * Helper function to assert lack of msgid_plural with context in the .po file.
  private function assertNoPluralIDContext($string, $plural, $context, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('No plural ID "@raw" found with context "@context"', array(
        '@raw' => check_plain($string),
        '@context' => $context,
      ->assert(strpos($this->potx_output, 'msgctxt "' . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $context . '"') . "\"\nmsgid \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $string . '"') . "\"\nmsgid_plural \"" . _potx_format_quoted_string('"' . $plural . '"') . '"') === FALSE, $message, $group);

   * Debug functionality until simpletest built-in debugging is backported.
  private function outputScreenContents($description = 'output', $basename = 'output') {

    // This is a hack to get a directory that won't be cleaned up by simpletest
    $file_dir = file_directory_path() . '/../simpletest_output_pages';
    if (!is_dir($file_dir)) {
      mkdir($file_dir, 0777, TRUE);
    $output_path = "{$file_dir}/{$basename}." . $this
      ->randomName(10) . '.html';
    $rv = file_put_contents($output_path, $this
      ->pass("{$description}: " . l('Contents of result page', $output_path));



Namesort descending Description
PotxTestCase @file Tests to ensure that the template extractor works as intended.