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Constants in Translation template extractor 6.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
POTX_API_5 ./ Parse source files in Drupal 5.x format. 9 1
POTX_API_6 ./ Parse source files in Drupal 6.x format. 8 1
POTX_API_7 ./ Parse source files in Drupal 7.x format. 5 1
POTX_API_8 ./ Parse source files in Drupal 8.x format. 13 1
POTX_API_CURRENT ./ The current Drupal major API verion. 1 1
POTX_BUILD_CORE ./ Core parsing mode: 1 1
POTX_BUILD_MULTIPLE ./ Multiple files mode: 1
POTX_BUILD_SINGLE ./ Single file mode: 5 1
POTX_CONTEXT_ERROR ./ When there was a context identification error. 3 1
POTX_CONTEXT_NONE ./ When no context is used. Makes it easy to look these up. 22 1
POTX_JS_OBJECT ./ Regular expression pattern used to match simple JS object literal. 1 1
POTX_JS_OBJECT_CONTEXT ./ Regular expression to match an object containing a key 'context'. 1 1
POTX_JS_STRING ./ Regular expression pattern used to localize JavaScript strings. 1 1
POTX_STATUS_CLI ./ Command line status reporting. 1 1
POTX_STATUS_MESSAGE ./ Drupal message based status reports. 2 1
POTX_STATUS_SILENT ./ Silence status reports. 2 1
POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED ./ Structured array status logging. 4 1
POTX_STRING_BOTH ./ Save string to both installer and runtime collection. 2 1
POTX_STRING_INSTALLER ./ Save string to installer collection only. 6 1
POTX_STRING_RUNTIME ./ Save string to runtime collection only. 3 1

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