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function _potx_find_menu_hooks in Translation template extractor 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 \_potx_find_menu_hooks()
  2. 7.3 \_potx_find_menu_hooks()
  3. 7 \_potx_find_menu_hooks()
  4. 7.2 \_potx_find_menu_hooks()

List of menu item titles. Only from Drupal 6.


string $file: Full path name of file being parsed.

string $filebase: Filename of the file being parsed.

string $save_callback: Callback function used to save strings.

1 call to _potx_find_menu_hooks()
_potx_parse_php_file in ./
Parse a PHP file for translatables.


./, line 1565
Extraction API used by the web and command line interface.


function _potx_find_menu_hooks($file, $filebase, $save_callback) {
  global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup;
  $hooks = [
  $keys = [
  foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
    if (isset($_potx_lookup[$filebase . $hook]) && is_array($_potx_lookup[$filebase . $hook])) {

      // We have this menu hook in this file.
      foreach ($_potx_lookup[$filebase . $hook] as $ti) {
        $end = _potx_find_end_of_function($ti);
        $tn = $ti;
        while ($tn < $end) {

          // Support for array syntax more commonly used in menu hooks:
          // $items = array('node/add' => array('title' => 'Add content'));.
          if ($_potx_tokens[$tn][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING && in_array($_potx_tokens[$tn][1], $keys) && $_potx_tokens[$tn + 1][0] == T_DOUBLE_ARROW) {
            if ($_potx_tokens[$tn + 2][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) {

              // We cannot export menu item context.
              $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($_potx_tokens[$tn + 2][1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $_potx_tokens[$tn + 2][2]);

              // Jump forward by 2.
              $tn += 2;
            else {
              potx_status('error', t('Invalid menu %element definition found in %hook. Title and description keys of the menu array should be literal strings.', [
                '%element' => $_potx_tokens[$tn][1],
                '%hook' => $filebase . $hook . '()',
              ]), $file, $_potx_tokens[$tn][2], NULL, '');

          // Support for array syntax more commonly used in menu alters:
          // $items['node/add']['title'] = 'Add content here';.
          if (is_string($_potx_tokens[$tn]) && $_potx_tokens[$tn] == '[' && $_potx_tokens[$tn + 1][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING && in_array($_potx_tokens[$tn + 1][1], $keys) && is_string($_potx_tokens[$tn + 2]) && $_potx_tokens[$tn + 2] == ']') {
            if (is_string($_potx_tokens[$tn + 3]) && $_potx_tokens[$tn + 3] == '=' && $_potx_tokens[$tn + 4][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) {

              // We cannot export menu item context.
              $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($_potx_tokens[$tn + 4][1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $_potx_tokens[$tn + 4][2]);

              // Jump forward by 4.
              $tn += 4;
            else {
              potx_status('error', t('Invalid menu %element definition found in %hook. Title and description keys of the menu array should be literal strings.', [
                '%element' => $_potx_tokens[$tn + 1][1],
                '%hook' => $filebase . $hook . '()',
              ]), $file, $_potx_tokens[$tn + 1][2], NULL, '');