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function PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest in Porter-Stemmer 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 porterstemmer.test \PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest()

Tests the first 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.

29 methods override PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest()
PorterStemmerOutput10UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest in ./porterstemmer.test
Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
PorterStemmerOutput11UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest in ./porterstemmer.test
Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
PorterStemmerOutput12UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest in ./porterstemmer.test
Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
PorterStemmerOutput13UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest in ./porterstemmer.test
Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
PorterStemmerOutput14UnitTest::testStemmingUnitTest in ./porterstemmer.test
Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.

... See full list


./porterstemmer.test, line 137
Tests for the Porter Stemmer module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare, Unit tests are based on sample words from which are stored in a separate file…


Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 1.


function testStemmingUnitTest() {
    ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(0, 2000);