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function porterstemmer_exception2 in Porter-Stemmer 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 porterstemmer.module \porterstemmer_exception2()

Checks exceptions for Porter Stemmer after Step 1a.


string $word: Word to stem, modified in place if successful.

Return value

bool TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.

1 call to porterstemmer_exception2()
porterstemmer_stem in includes/
Stems a word, using the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm.


includes/, line 615
This is an implementation of the Porter 2 Stemming algorithm.


function porterstemmer_exception2(&$word) {

  // The following words are to be left invariant.
  $repl = array(
    'inning' => 1,
    'outing' => 1,
    'canning' => 1,
    'herring' => 1,
    'earring' => 1,
    'proceed' => 1,
    'exceed' => 1,
    'succeed' => 1,
  if (isset($repl[$word])) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;