porterstemmer_exception1 |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Checks exceptions for Porter Stemmer. |
1 |
porterstemmer_exception2 |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Checks exceptions for Porter Stemmer after Step 1a. |
1 |
porterstemmer_help |
./porterstemmer.module |
Implements hook_help(). |
porterstemmer_poststemming |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Turn Y back into y to undo pre-processing. |
1 |
porterstemmer_prestemming |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Pre-processes a word for the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm. |
5 |
porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match |
./porterstemmer.module |
Implements hook_sbp_excerpt_match(). |
1 |
porterstemmer_search_preprocess |
./porterstemmer.module |
Implements hook_search_preprocess(). |
porterstemmer_short_word |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Checks to see if a word is considered "short" in Porter Stemmer 2. |
2 |
porterstemmer_stem |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Stems a word, using the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm. |
5 |
porterstemmer_step0 |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 0 of the algorithm: remove possessive endings. |
1 |
porterstemmer_step1a |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 1a of algorithm: plurals, etc. |
2 |
porterstemmer_step1b |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 1b of algorithm: eed, eedly, ed, edly, ing, ingly. |
3 |
porterstemmer_step1c |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 1c of algorithm: y suffixes. |
2 |
porterstemmer_step2 |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 2 of algorithm: misc endings in region R1. |
2 |
porterstemmer_step3 |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 3 of algorithm: misc endings in region R1. |
1 |
porterstemmer_step4 |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 4 of algorithm: misc endings in region R2. |
2 |
porterstemmer_step5 |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Step 5 of algorithm: e, l endings in region R1/R2. |
2 |
porterstemmer_step_ending |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Replaces word and calculates return value for steps. |
8 |
porterstemmer_suffix |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Replaces one word ending with another, if tests pass. |
9 |
porterstemmer_too_short |
includes/standard-stemmer.inc |
Returns TRUE if word is too short to continue stemming. |
10 |
_porterstemmer_pecl_loaded |
./porterstemmer.module |
Checks to see if the PECL stem extension has been loaded. |
2 |