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function physical_dimensions_format in Physical Fields 7

Returns the formatted dimensions string for the given dimensions value array.


$value: A dimension field value array containing length, width, height, and unit keys.

1 call to physical_dimensions_format()
physical_field_formatter_view in ./physical.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().


./physical.module, line 1197
Defines fields (e.g. weight and dimensions) to support describing the physical attributes of entities.


function physical_dimensions_format($value) {

  // Create an array of rounded values.
  $data = array();
  foreach (physical_dimensions() as $key => $dimension) {
    $data[] = round($value[$key], 5);

  // Return the rounded values joined together with the unit abbreviation appended.
  return implode(' × ', $data) . ' ' . physical_dimension_unit_abbreviation($value['unit']);