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physical.module in Physical Fields 7

Defines fields (e.g. weight and dimensions) to support describing the physical attributes of entities.


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 * @file
 * Defines fields (e.g. weight and dimensions) to support describing the
 * physical attributes of entities.

 * Implements hook_field_info().
function physical_field_info() {
  return array(
    'physical_volume' => array(
      'label' => t('Physical volume'),
      'description' => t('This field stores the a physical volume and unit of measure.'),
      'settings' => array(),
      'instance_settings' => array(),
      'default_widget' => 'physical_volume_input',
      'default_formatter' => 'physical_volume_formatted',
      'property_type' => 'physical_volume',
      'property_callbacks' => array(
    'physical_weight' => array(
      'label' => t('Physical weight'),
      'description' => t('This field stores the a physical weight amount and unit of measure.'),
      'settings' => array(),
      'instance_settings' => array(),
      'default_widget' => 'physical_weight_textfield',
      'default_formatter' => 'physical_weight_formatted',
      'property_type' => 'physical_weight',
      'property_callbacks' => array(
    'physical_dimensions' => array(
      'label' => t('Physical dimensions'),
      'description' => t('This field stores a set of physical dimensions and unit of measure.'),
      'settings' => array(),
      'instance_settings' => array(),
      'default_widget' => 'physical_dimensions_textfields',
      'default_formatter' => 'physical_dimensions_formatted',
      'property_type' => 'physical_dimensions',
      'property_callbacks' => array(

 * Implements hook_field_validate().
function physical_field_validate($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, &$errors) {
  if ($field['type'] == 'physical_volume') {

    // Ensure only numeric values are entered in volume fields.
    foreach ($items as $delta => &$item) {
      if (!empty($item['volume']) && !is_numeric($item['volume'])) {
        $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
          'error' => 'physical_volume',
          'message' => t('%name: volume must be a number.', array(
            '%name' => $instance['label'],
  elseif ($field['type'] == 'physical_weight') {

    // Ensure only numeric values are entered in weight fields.
    foreach ($items as $delta => &$item) {
      if (!empty($item['weight']) && !is_numeric($item['weight'])) {
        $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
          'error' => 'physical_weight',
          'message' => t('%name: you must enter a numeric weight value.', array(
            '%name' => $instance['label'],
  elseif ($field['type'] == 'physical_dimensions') {

    // Ensure only numeric values are entered in dimension fields.
    foreach ($items as $delta => &$item) {

      // Keep track of which dimensions have data.
      $has_data = array();
      foreach (physical_dimensions() as $key => $dimension) {

        // The current dimension has data if it is set and not NULL.
        if (isset($item[$key]) && $item[$key] != NULL) {
          $has_data[] = $key;

        // Throw an error if the value is not numeric.
        if (!empty($item[$key]) && !is_numeric($item[$key])) {
          $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
            'error' => 'physical_dimensions',
            'message' => t('%name: you must enter a numeric !dimension value.', array(
              '%name' => $instance['label'],
              '!dimension' => drupal_strtolower($dimension['name']),
            'dimension' => $key,

      // If one dimension had data, they all must. Set an error for fields that
      // need data.
      if (count($has_data) > 0) {
        foreach (physical_dimensions() as $key => $dimension) {
          if (!isset($item[$key]) || $item[$key] == NULL) {
            $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
              'error' => 'physical_dimensions',
              'message' => t('%name: you must supply a !dimension value.', array(
                '%name' => $instance['label'],
                '!dimension' => drupal_strtolower($dimension['name']),
              'dimension' => $key,

 * Implements hook_field_widget_error().
function physical_field_widget_error($element, $error, $form, &$form_state) {
  if ($error['error'] == 'physical_volume') {
    form_error($element['volume'], $error['message']);
  elseif ($error['error'] == 'physical_weight') {
    form_error($element['weight'], $error['message']);
  elseif ($error['error'] == 'physical_dimensions') {
    form_error($element[$error['dimension']], $error['message']);

 * Implements hook_field_is_empty().
function physical_field_is_empty($item, $field) {
  if ($field['type'] == 'physical_volume') {
    return !isset($item['volume']) || $item['volume'] == NULL;
  elseif ($field['type'] == 'physical_weight') {
    return !isset($item['weight']) || $item['weight'] == NULL;
  elseif ($field['type'] == 'physical_dimensions') {

    // If any of the dimensions are missing, consider the field empty.
    foreach (physical_dimensions() as $key => $dimension) {
      if (!isset($item[$key]) || $item[$key] == NULL) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_field_widget_info().
function physical_field_widget_info() {
  return array(
    'physical_volume_input' => array(
      'label' => t('Volume input'),
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'default_unit' => 'l',
        'unit_select_list' => TRUE,
    'physical_weight_textfield' => array(
      'label' => t('Weight textfield'),
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'default_unit' => 'lb',
        'unit_select_list' => TRUE,
    'physical_dimensions_textfields' => array(
      'label' => t('Dimensions textfields'),
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'default_unit' => 'in',
        'unit_select_list' => TRUE,

 * Implements hook_field_widget_settings_form().
function physical_field_widget_settings_form($field, $instance) {
  $widget = $instance['widget'];
  $settings = array_merge(field_info_widget_settings($widget['type']), $widget['settings']);
  $form = array();

  // Build the settings for the weight textfield widget.
  if ($widget['type'] == 'physical_volume_input') {
    $form['default_unit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Unit of measurement'),
      '#options' => physical_volume_unit_options(),
      '#default_value' => $settings['default_unit'],
    $form['unit_select_list'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Allow the user to select a different unit of measurement on forms.'),
      '#default_value' => $settings['unit_select_list'],
  elseif ($widget['type'] == 'physical_weight_textfield') {
    $form['default_unit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Unit of measurement'),
      '#options' => physical_weight_unit_options(),
      '#default_value' => $settings['default_unit'],
    $form['unit_select_list'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Allow the user to select a different unit of measurement on forms.'),
      '#default_value' => $settings['unit_select_list'],
  elseif ($widget['type'] == 'physical_dimensions_textfields') {
    $form['default_unit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Unit of measurement'),
      '#options' => physical_dimension_unit_options(),
      '#default_value' => $settings['default_unit'],
    $form['unit_select_list'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Allow the user to select a different unit of measurement on forms.'),
      '#default_value' => $settings['unit_select_list'],
  return $form;

 * Implements hook_field_widget_form().
function physical_field_widget_form(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
  $widget = $instance['widget'];
  $settings = array_merge(field_info_widget_settings($widget['type']), $widget['settings']);

  // Widget for volume input.
  if ($widget['type'] == 'physical_volume_input') {

    // Determine the default volume value.
    if (isset($items[$delta]['volume'])) {
      $volume = round($items[$delta]['volume'], 5);
    elseif (isset($instance['default_value'][0]['volume']) && ($delta == 0 || $field['cardinality'] > 0)) {
      $volume = round($instance['default_value'][0]['volume'], 5);
    else {
      $volume = '';

    // Add a textfield for the actual volume value.
    $element['volume'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => $element['#title'],
      '#default_value' => $volume,
      '#size' => 15,
      '#maxlength' => 16,
      '#required' => $instance['required'] && ($delta == 0 || $field['cardinality'] > 0),

    // Determine the unit of measurement.
    if (!empty($items[$delta]['unit'])) {
      $unit = $items[$delta]['unit'];
    elseif (!empty($settings['unit_select_list']) && !empty($instance['default_value'][0]['unit'])) {
      $unit = $instance['default_value'][0]['unit'];
    else {
      $unit = $settings['default_unit'];

    // If the user cannot select a different unit of measurement and the current
    // unit is the same as the default...
    if (empty($settings['unit_select_list']) && $unit == $settings['default_unit']) {

      // Display the unit of measurement after the textfield.
      $element['volume']['#field_suffix'] = physical_volume_unit_abbreviation($unit);
      if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
        $element['volume']['#suffix'] = '<div class="description">' . $element['#description'] . '</div>';

      // Add a hidden value for the default unit of measurement.
      $element['unit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $unit,
    else {

      // Get an options list of volume units of measurement.
      $options = physical_volume_unit_options(FALSE);

      // If the user isn't supposed to have access to select a unit of
      // measurement, only allow the default and the current unit.
      if (empty($settings['unit_select_list'])) {
        $options = array_intersect_key($options, drupal_map_assoc(array(

      // Display a unit of measurement select list after the textfield.
      $element['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'physical') . '/theme/physical.css';
      $element['volume']['#prefix'] = '<div class="physical-volume-input">';
      $element['unit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $options,
        '#default_value' => $unit,
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
      if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
        $element['unit']['#suffix'] = '<div class="description">' . $element['#description'] . '</div></div>';
      else {
        $element['unit']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
    return $element;

  // Return the weight textfield widget.
  if ($widget['type'] == 'physical_weight_textfield') {

    // Determine the default weight value.
    if (isset($items[$delta]['weight'])) {
      $weight = round($items[$delta]['weight'], 5);
    elseif (isset($instance['default_value'][0]['weight']) && ($delta == 0 || $field['cardinality'] > 0)) {
      $weight = round($instance['default_value'][0]['weight'], 5);
    else {
      $weight = '';

    // Add a textfield for the actual weight value.
    $element['weight'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => $element['#title'],
      '#default_value' => $weight,
      '#size' => 15,
      '#maxlength' => 16,
      '#required' => $instance['required'] && $delta == 0,

    // Determine the unit of measurement.
    if (!empty($items[$delta]['unit'])) {
      $unit = $items[$delta]['unit'];
    elseif (!empty($settings['unit_select_list']) && !empty($instance['default_value'][0]['unit'])) {
      $unit = $instance['default_value'][0]['unit'];
    else {
      $unit = $settings['default_unit'];

    // If the user cannot select a different unit of measurement and the current
    // unit is the same as the default...
    if (empty($settings['unit_select_list']) && $unit == $settings['default_unit']) {

      // Display the unit of measurement after the textfield.
      $element['weight']['#field_suffix'] = physical_weight_unit_abbreviation($unit);
      if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
        $element['weight']['#suffix'] = '<div class="description">' . $element['#description'] . '</div>';

      // Add a hidden value for the default unit of measurement.
      $element['unit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $unit,
    else {

      // Get an options list of weight units of measurement.
      $options = physical_weight_unit_options(FALSE);

      // If the user isn't supposed to have access to select a unit of
      // measurement, only allow the default and the current unit.
      if (empty($settings['unit_select_list'])) {
        $options = array_intersect_key($options, drupal_map_assoc(array(

      // Display a unit of measurement select list after the textfield.
      $element['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'physical') . '/theme/physical.css';
      $element['weight']['#prefix'] = '<div class="physical-weight-textfield">';
      $element['unit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $options,
        '#default_value' => $unit,
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
      if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
        $element['unit']['#suffix'] = '<div class="description">' . $element['#description'] . '</div></div>';
    return $element;

  // Return the dimensions textfields widget.
  if ($widget['type'] == 'physical_dimensions_textfields') {

    // Determine the default dimensions value.
    $value = array();
    if (isset($items[$delta]['length'])) {
      $value = array(
        'length' => round($items[$delta]['length'], 5),
        'width' => round($items[$delta]['width'], 5),
        'height' => round($items[$delta]['height'], 5),
        'unit' => $items[$delta]['unit'],
    elseif (isset($instance['default_value'][0]['length']) && ($delta == 0 || $field['cardinality'] > 0)) {
      $value = $instance['default_value'][0];
      if (empty($settings['unit_select_list'])) {

    // Ensure the value array defines every expected key.
    foreach (physical_dimensions() as $key => $dimension) {
      $value += array(
        $key => '',
    $value += array(
      'unit' => $settings['default_unit'],

    // Add textfields for the dimensions values.
    $element['#type'] = 'fieldset';
    $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'physical-dimensions-textfields';
    $element['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'physical') . '/theme/physical.css';
    foreach (physical_dimensions() as $key => $dimension) {
      $element[$key] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => $dimension['name'],
        '#default_value' => $value[$key],
        '#size' => 15,
        '#maxlength' => 16,
        '#required' => $instance['required'] && $delta == 0,
        '#field_suffix' => '&times;',
        '#prefix' => '<div class="physical-dimension-form-item">',
        '#suffix' => '</div>',

    // Remove the suffix from the last dimension element.

    // If the user cannot select a different unit of measurement and the current
    // unit is the same as the default...
    if (empty($settings['unit_select_list']) && $value['unit'] == $settings['default_unit']) {

      // Display the unit of measurement after the last textfield using the
      // final $key value from the above foreach loop.
      $element[$key]['#field_suffix'] = physical_dimension_unit_abbreviation($value['unit']);

      // Add a hidden value for the default unit of measurement.
      $element['unit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $value['unit'],
    else {

      // Get an options list of dimension units of measurement.
      $options = physical_dimension_unit_options(FALSE);

      // If the user isn't supposed to have access to select a unit of
      // measurement, only allow the default and the current unit.
      if (empty($settings['unit_select_list'])) {
        $options = array_intersect_key($options, drupal_map_assoc(array(

      // Display a unit of measurement select list after the textfield.
      $element['unit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $options,
        '#default_value' => $value['unit'],
        '#prefix' => '<div class="physical-dimensions-unit-form-item">',
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
    return $element;

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
function physical_field_formatter_info() {
  return array(
    'physical_volume_formatted' => array(
      'label' => t('Formatted volume'),
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(),
    'physical_weight_formatted' => array(
      'label' => t('Formatted weight'),
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(),
    'physical_dimensions_formatted' => array(
      'label' => t('Formatted dimensions'),
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(),

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
function physical_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) {
  $settings = array_merge(field_info_formatter_settings($display['type']), $display['settings']);
  $element = array();

  // Loop through each item in this field.
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {

    // Generate the HTML based on the formatter.
    switch ($display['type']) {
      case 'physical_volume_formatted':
        $html = physical_volume_format($item);
      case 'physical_weight_formatted':
        $html = physical_weight_format($item);
      case 'physical_dimensions_formatted':
        $html = physical_dimensions_format($item);

    // Add the link to the returned element array.
    $element[$delta] = array(
      '#markup' => $html,
  return $element;

 * Returns an associative array of volume units of measurement.
function physical_volume_units() {
  $units = array(
    'l' => array(
      'name' => t('Liter'),
      'abbreviation' => t('l'),
    'm3' => array(
      'name' => t('Cubic Meter'),
      'abbreviation' => t('m3'),
    'ml' => array(
      'name' => t('Milliliter'),
      'abbreviation' => t('ml'),
    'fl oz' => array(
      'name' => t('Ounce'),
      'abbreviation' => t('fl oz'),
    'pt' => array(
      'name' => t('Pint'),
      'abbreviation' => t('pint'),
    'gal' => array(
      'name' => t('Gallon'),
      'abbreviation' => t('gal'),
  drupal_alter('physical_volume_unit_info', $units);
  return $units;

 * Returns an associative array of weight units of measurement.
 * @return array
 *   Array of units for measuring volume.
function physical_weight_units() {
  $units = array(
    'lb' => array(
      'name' => t('Pounds'),
      'abbreviation' => t('lb'),
    'oz' => array(
      'name' => t('Ounces'),
      'abbreviation' => t('oz'),
    'kg' => array(
      'name' => t('Kilograms'),
      'abbreviation' => t('kg'),
    'g' => array(
      'name' => t('Grams'),
      'abbreviation' => t('g'),
  drupal_alter('physical_weight_unit_info', $units);
  return $units;

 * Returns the name of a volume unit of measurement.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type of volume unit whose name should be returned; by default this can
 *   be l, m3, ml, fl oz, pt, gal.
 * @return string|bool
 *   The name of the specified unit of measurement or FALSE if not found.
function physical_volume_unit_name($type) {
  $units = physical_volume_units();
  if (!empty($units[$type]['name'])) {
    return $units[$type]['name'];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns the name of a weight unit of measurement.
 * @param $type
 *   The type of weight unit whose name should be returned; by default this can
 *   be lb, oz, kg, or g.
 * @return
 *   The name of the specified unit of measurement or FALSE if not found.
function physical_weight_unit_name($type) {
  $units = physical_weight_units();
  if (!empty($units[$type]['name'])) {
    return $units[$type]['name'];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns the translated abbreviation of a volume unit of measurement.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type of volume unit whose name should be returned; by default this can
 *   be l, m3, ml, fl oz, pt, gal.
 * @return string|bool
 *   The translated abbreviation of the specified unit of measurement or FALSE
 *   if not found.
function physical_volume_unit_abbreviation($unit) {
  $units = physical_volume_units();
  if (!empty($units[$unit]['abbreviation'])) {
    return $units[$unit]['abbreviation'];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns the translated abbreviation of a weight unit of measurement.
 * @param $unit
 *   The weight unit of measurement whose translated abbreviation should be
 *   returned; by default this can be lb, oz, kg, or g.
 * @return
 *   The translated abbreviation of the specified unit of measurement or FALSE
 *   if not found.
function physical_weight_unit_abbreviation($unit) {
  $units = physical_weight_units();
  if (!empty($units[$unit]['abbreviation'])) {
    return $units[$unit]['abbreviation'];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns an options array of volume units of measurement.
 * @param $name
 *   Boolean indicating whether or not the value should be the human readable
 *   name of the unit of measurement instead of the abbreviation.
function physical_volume_unit_options($name = TRUE) {
  $options = array();
  foreach (physical_volume_units() as $key => $value) {
    $options[$key] = $name ? $value['name'] : $value['abbreviation'];
  return $options;

 * Returns an options array of weight units of measurement.
 * @param $name
 *   Boolean indicating whether or not the value should be the human readable
 *   name of the unit of measurement instead of the abbreviation.
function physical_weight_unit_options($name = TRUE) {
  $options = array();
  foreach (physical_weight_units() as $key => $value) {
    $options[$key] = $name ? $value['name'] : $value['abbreviation'];
  return $options;

 * Returns the formatted volume string for the given volume value array.
 * @param array $value
 *   A volume field value array containing volume and unit keys.
 * @return string
 *   Formatted value.
function physical_volume_format(array $value) {
  return t('@volume @unit', array(
    '@volume' => round($value['volume'], 5),
    '@unit' => physical_volume_unit_abbreviation($value['unit']),

 * Returns the formatted weight string for the given weight value array.
 * @param $value
 *   A weight field value array containing weight and unit keys.
function physical_weight_format($value) {
  return t('@weight @unit', array(
    '@weight' => round($value['weight'], 5),
    '@unit' => physical_weight_unit_abbreviation($value['unit']),

 * Converts a volume field value array to the specified unit.
 * @param $volume
 *   A volume field value array including the 'volume' and 'unit'.
 * @param $unit
 *   The volume unit type to convert to.
 * @return
 *   A volume field value array including the converted 'volume' amount in the
 *   target 'unit' type.
function physical_volume_convert($volume, $unit) {
  if ($volume['unit'] == $unit) {
    return $volume;

  // Convert the volume amount based on the target and source unit type.
  switch ($unit) {
    case 'l':
      if ($volume['unit'] == 'm3') {
        $multiplier = 0.001;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'ml') {
        $multiplier = 1000;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'fl oz') {
        $multiplier = 33.8140227018;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'pt') {
        $multiplier = 2.1133764189;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'gal') {
        $multiplier = 0.2641720524;
    case 'm3':
      if ($volume['unit'] == 'l') {
        $multiplier = 1000;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'ml') {
        $multiplier = 1000000;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'fl oz') {
        $multiplier = 33814.022701843;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'pt') {
        $multiplier = 2113.3764188652;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'gal') {
        $multiplier = 264.1720523581;
    case 'ml':
      if ($volume['unit'] == 'l') {
        $multiplier = 0.001;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'm3') {
        $multiplier = 1.0E-6;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'fl oz') {
        $multiplier = 0.0338140227;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'pt') {
        $multiplier = 0.0021133764;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'gal') {
        $multiplier = 0.0002641721;
    case 'fl oz':
      if ($volume['unit'] == 'l') {
        $multiplier = 0.0295735296;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'm3') {
        $multiplier = 2.95735E-5;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'ml') {
        $multiplier = 29.5735295625;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'pt') {
        $multiplier = 0.0625;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'gal') {
        $multiplier = 0.0078125;
    case 'pt':
      if ($volume['unit'] == 'l') {
        $multiplier = 0.473176473;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'm3') {
        $multiplier = 0.0004731765;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'ml') {
        $multiplier = 473.176473;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'fl oz') {
        $multiplier = 16;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'gal') {
        $multiplier = 0.125;
    case 'gal':
      if ($volume['unit'] == 'l') {
        $multiplier = 3.785411784;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'm3') {
        $multiplier = 0.0037854118;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'ml') {
        $multiplier = 3785.411784;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'fl oz') {
        $multiplier = 128;
      elseif ($volume['unit'] == 'pt') {
        $multiplier = 8;

  // Update the weight amount using the multiplier.
  $volume['volume'] *= $multiplier;

  // Update the unit type to the target type.
  $volume['unit'] = $unit;
  return $volume;

 * Converts a weight field value array to the specified unit.
 * @param $weight
 *   A weight field value array including the 'weight' and 'unit'.
 * @param $unit
 *   The weight unit type to convert to.
 * @return
 *   A weight field value array including the converted 'weight' amount in the
 *   target 'unit' type.
function physical_weight_convert($weight, $unit) {

  // If the $weight field value is empty for some reason, return a 0 weight in
  // the target unit type.
  if (empty($weight) || empty($weight['weight'])) {
    return array(
      'weight' => 0,
      'unit' => $unit,

  // If the target unit type is the same as the weight field value that was
  // passed in, simply return it as is.
  if ($weight['unit'] == $unit) {
    return $weight;

  // Convert the weight amount based on the target and source unit type.
  switch ($unit) {
    case 'lb':
      if ($weight['unit'] == 'oz') {
        $multiplier = 0.0625;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'kg') {
        $multiplier = 2.20462262;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'g') {
        $multiplier = 0.00220462262;
    case 'oz':
      if ($weight['unit'] == 'lb') {
        $multiplier = 16;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'kg') {
        $multiplier = 35.2739619;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'g') {
        $multiplier = 0.0352739619;
    case 'kg':
      if ($weight['unit'] == 'lb') {
        $multiplier = 0.45359237;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'oz') {
        $multiplier = 0.0283495231;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'g') {
        $multiplier = 0.001;
    case 'g':
      if ($weight['unit'] == 'lb') {
        $multiplier = 453.59237;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'oz') {
        $multiplier = 28.3495231;
      elseif ($weight['unit'] == 'kg') {
        $multiplier = 1000;

  // Update the weight amount using the multiplier.
  $weight['weight'] *= $multiplier;

  // Update the unit type to the target type.
  $weight['unit'] = $unit;
  return $weight;

 * Callback to alter the property info of volume fields.
 * @see physical_field_info().
function physical_volume_property_info_callback(&$info, $entity_type, $field, $instance, $field_type) {
  $name = $field['field_name'];
  $property =& $info[$entity_type]['bundles'][$instance['bundle']]['properties'][$name];
  $property['type'] = $field['cardinality'] != 1 ? 'list<physical_volume>' : 'physical_volume';
  $property['getter callback'] = 'entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get';
  $property['setter callback'] = 'entity_metadata_field_verbatim_set';
  $property['auto creation'] = 'physical_volume_field_data_auto_creation';
  $property['property info'] = physical_volume_field_data_property_info();
  unset($property['query callback']);

 * Callback to alter the property info of weight fields.
 * @see physical_field_info().
function physical_weight_property_info_callback(&$info, $entity_type, $field, $instance, $field_type) {
  $name = $field['field_name'];
  $property =& $info[$entity_type]['bundles'][$instance['bundle']]['properties'][$name];
  $property['type'] = $field['cardinality'] != 1 ? 'list<physical_weight>' : 'physical_weight';
  $property['getter callback'] = 'entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get';
  $property['setter callback'] = 'entity_metadata_field_verbatim_set';
  $property['auto creation'] = 'physical_weight_field_data_auto_creation';
  $property['property info'] = physical_weight_field_data_property_info();
  unset($property['query callback']);

 * Returns the default array structure for a volume field.
 * For use when creating new data arrays through an entity metadata wrapper.
 * @return array
 *   Value array.
function physical_volume_field_data_auto_creation() {
  return array(
    'volume' => 0,
    'unit' => 'l',

 * Returns the default array structure for a Weight field for use when creating
 * new data arrays through an entity metadata wrapper.
function physical_weight_field_data_auto_creation() {
  return array(
    'weight' => 0,
    'unit' => 'lb',

 * Defines info for the properties of the volume field data structure.
function physical_volume_field_data_property_info($name = NULL) {
  return array(
    'volume' => array(
      'label' => t('Volume'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Volume value of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'decimal',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
    'unit' => array(
      'label' => t('Unit of measurement'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Unit of measurement of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'text',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
      'options list' => 'physical_volume_unit_options',

 * Defines info for the properties of the Weight field data structure.
function physical_weight_field_data_property_info($name = NULL) {
  return array(
    'weight' => array(
      'label' => t('Weight'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Weight value of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'decimal',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
    'unit' => array(
      'label' => t('Unit of measurement'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Unit of measurement of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'text',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
      'options list' => 'physical_weight_unit_options',

 * Returns an associative array of dimensions.
function physical_dimensions() {
  $dimensions = array(
    'length' => array(
      'name' => t('Length'),
    'width' => array(
      'name' => t('Width'),
    'height' => array(
      'name' => t('Height'),
  drupal_alter('physical_dimension_info', $dimensions);
  return $dimensions;

 * Returns an associative array of dimensions units of measurement.
function physical_dimension_units() {
  $units = array(
    'in' => array(
      'name' => t('Inches'),
      'abbreviation' => t('in'),
    'ft' => array(
      'name' => t('Feet'),
      'abbreviation' => t('ft'),
    'mm' => array(
      'name' => t('Millimeters'),
      'abbreviation' => t('mm'),
    'cm' => array(
      'name' => t('Centimeters'),
      'abbreviation' => t('cm'),
    'm' => array(
      'name' => t('Meters'),
      'abbreviation' => t('m'),
  drupal_alter('physical_dimension_unit_info', $units);
  return $units;

 * Returns the name of a dimension unit of measurement.
 * @param $type
 *   The type of dimension unit whose name should be returned; by default this
 *   can be in, ft, mm, cm, or m.
 * @return
 *   The name of the specified unit of measurement or FALSE if not found.
function physical_dimension_unit_name($type) {
  $units = physical_dimension_units();
  if (!empty($units[$type]['name'])) {
    return $units[$type]['name'];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns the translated abbreviation of a dimension unit of measurement.
 * @param $unit
 *   The dimension unit of measurement whose translated abbreviation should be
 *   returned; by default this can be in, ft, mm, cm, or m.
 * @return
 *   The translated abbreviation of the specified unit of measurement or FALSE
 *   if not found.
function physical_dimension_unit_abbreviation($unit) {
  $units = physical_dimension_units();
  if (!empty($units[$unit]['abbreviation'])) {
    return $units[$unit]['abbreviation'];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns an options array of dimension units of measurement.
 * @param $name
 *   Boolean indicating whether or not the value should be the human readable
 *   name of the unit of measurement instead of the abbreviation.
function physical_dimension_unit_options($name = TRUE) {
  $options = array();
  foreach (physical_dimension_units() as $key => $value) {
    $options[$key] = $name ? $value['name'] : $value['abbreviation'];
  return $options;

 * Returns the formatted dimensions string for the given dimensions value array.
 * @param $value
 *   A dimension field value array containing length, width, height, and unit keys.
function physical_dimensions_format($value) {

  // Create an array of rounded values.
  $data = array();
  foreach (physical_dimensions() as $key => $dimension) {
    $data[] = round($value[$key], 5);

  // Return the rounded values joined together with the unit abbreviation appended.
  return implode(' &times; ', $data) . ' ' . physical_dimension_unit_abbreviation($value['unit']);

 * Converts a dimension field value array to the specified unit.
 * @param $dimensions
 *   A dimension field value array including the 'length', 'width', 'height' and
 *   'unit'.
 * @param $unit
 *   The dimensions unit type to convert to.
 * @return
 *   A dimension field value array including the converted 'length', 'width',
 *   and 'height' amounts in the target 'unit' type.
function physical_dimensions_convert($dimensions, $unit) {
  if ($dimensions['unit'] == $unit) {
    return $dimensions;

  // Convert the dimension amounts based on the target and source unit type.
  switch ($unit) {
    case 'in':
      if ($dimensions['unit'] == 'ft') {
        $multiplier = 12;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'mm') {
        $multiplier = 0.0393700787;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'cm') {
        $multiplier = 0.393700787;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'm') {
        $multiplier = 39.3700787;
    case 'ft':
      if ($dimensions['unit'] == 'in') {
        $multiplier = 0.08333333330000001;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'mm') {
        $multiplier = 0.0032808399;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'cm') {
        $multiplier = 0.032808399;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'm') {
        $multiplier = 3.2808399;
    case 'mm':
      if ($dimensions['unit'] == 'in') {
        $multiplier = 25.4;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'ft') {
        $multiplier = 304.8;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'cm') {
        $multiplier = 10;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'm') {
        $multiplier = 1000;
    case 'cm':
      if ($dimensions['unit'] == 'in') {
        $multiplier = 2.54;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'ft') {
        $multiplier = 30.48;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'mm') {
        $multiplier = 0.1;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'm') {
        $multiplier = 100;
    case 'm':
      if ($dimensions['unit'] == 'in') {
        $multiplier = 0.0254;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'ft') {
        $multiplier = 0.3048;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'mm') {
        $multiplier = 0.001;
      elseif ($dimensions['unit'] == 'cm') {
        $multiplier = 0.01;

  // Update each of the dimensions using the multiplier.
  $dimensions['length'] *= $multiplier;
  $dimensions['width'] *= $multiplier;
  $dimensions['height'] *= $multiplier;

  // Update the unit type to the target type.
  $dimensions['unit'] = $unit;
  return $dimensions;

 * Callback to alter the property info of Dimensions fields.
 * @see physical_field_info().
function physical_dimensions_property_info_callback(&$info, $entity_type, $field, $instance, $field_type) {
  $name = $field['field_name'];
  $property =& $info[$entity_type]['bundles'][$instance['bundle']]['properties'][$name];
  $property['type'] = $field['cardinality'] != 1 ? 'list<physical_dimensions>' : 'physical_dimensions';
  $property['getter callback'] = 'entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get';
  $property['setter callback'] = 'entity_metadata_field_verbatim_set';
  $property['auto creation'] = 'physical_dimensions_field_data_auto_creation';
  $property['property info'] = physical_dimensions_field_data_property_info();
  unset($property['query callback']);

 * Returns the default array structure for a Dimensions field for use when
 * creating new data arrays through an entity metadata wrapper.
function physical_dimensions_field_data_auto_creation() {
  return array(
    'length' => 0,
    'width' => 0,
    'height' => 0,
    'unit' => 'in',

 * Defines info for the properties of the Dimensions field data structure.
function physical_dimensions_field_data_property_info($name = NULL) {
  return array(
    'length' => array(
      'label' => t('Length'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Length value of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'decimal',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
    'width' => array(
      'label' => t('Width'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Width value of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'decimal',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
    'height' => array(
      'label' => t('Height'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Height value of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'decimal',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
    'unit' => array(
      'label' => t('Unit of measurement'),
      'description' => !empty($name) ? t('Unit of measurement of field %name', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      )) : '',
      'type' => 'text',
      'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
      'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
      'options list' => 'physical_dimensions_unit_options',


Namesort descending Description
physical_dimensions Returns an associative array of dimensions.
physical_dimensions_convert Converts a dimension field value array to the specified unit.
physical_dimensions_field_data_auto_creation Returns the default array structure for a Dimensions field for use when creating new data arrays through an entity metadata wrapper.
physical_dimensions_field_data_property_info Defines info for the properties of the Dimensions field data structure.
physical_dimensions_format Returns the formatted dimensions string for the given dimensions value array.
physical_dimensions_property_info_callback Callback to alter the property info of Dimensions fields.
physical_dimension_units Returns an associative array of dimensions units of measurement.
physical_dimension_unit_abbreviation Returns the translated abbreviation of a dimension unit of measurement.
physical_dimension_unit_name Returns the name of a dimension unit of measurement.
physical_dimension_unit_options Returns an options array of dimension units of measurement.
physical_field_formatter_info Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
physical_field_formatter_view Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
physical_field_info Implements hook_field_info().
physical_field_is_empty Implements hook_field_is_empty().
physical_field_validate Implements hook_field_validate().
physical_field_widget_error Implements hook_field_widget_error().
physical_field_widget_form Implements hook_field_widget_form().
physical_field_widget_info Implements hook_field_widget_info().
physical_field_widget_settings_form Implements hook_field_widget_settings_form().
physical_volume_convert Converts a volume field value array to the specified unit.
physical_volume_field_data_auto_creation Returns the default array structure for a volume field.
physical_volume_field_data_property_info Defines info for the properties of the volume field data structure.
physical_volume_format Returns the formatted volume string for the given volume value array.
physical_volume_property_info_callback Callback to alter the property info of volume fields.
physical_volume_units Returns an associative array of volume units of measurement.
physical_volume_unit_abbreviation Returns the translated abbreviation of a volume unit of measurement.
physical_volume_unit_name Returns the name of a volume unit of measurement.
physical_volume_unit_options Returns an options array of volume units of measurement.
physical_weight_convert Converts a weight field value array to the specified unit.
physical_weight_field_data_auto_creation Returns the default array structure for a Weight field for use when creating new data arrays through an entity metadata wrapper.
physical_weight_field_data_property_info Defines info for the properties of the Weight field data structure.
physical_weight_format Returns the formatted weight string for the given weight value array.
physical_weight_property_info_callback Callback to alter the property info of weight fields.
physical_weight_units Returns an associative array of weight units of measurement.
physical_weight_unit_abbreviation Returns the translated abbreviation of a weight unit of measurement.
physical_weight_unit_name Returns the name of a weight unit of measurement.
physical_weight_unit_options Returns an options array of weight units of measurement.