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function photos_swfu_upload in Album Photos 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 photos_swfu/photos_swfu.module \photos_swfu_upload()

Upload photos with SWFUpload.

1 string reference to 'photos_swfu_upload'
photos_swfu_menu in photos_swfu/photos_swfu.module
Implements hook_menu().


photos_swfu/photos_swfu.module, line 186


function photos_swfu_upload($node = 0) {
  if ($_GET['uid'] && $node) {
    $query = db_select('users', 'u');
      ->join('sessions', 's', 's.uid = u.uid');
      ->fields('s', array(
      ->fields('u', array(
      ->condition('s.sid', $_POST['PHPSESSID'])
      ->condition('s.hostname', ip_address());
    $ac = $query
    if ($_GET['uid'] == $ac->uid) {
      $ac->roles = array();
      $ac->roles[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID] = 'authenticated user';
      $query = db_select('role', 'r');
        ->join('users_roles', 'ur', 'ur.rid = r.rid');
        ->fields('r', array(
        ->condition('ur.uid', $_GET['uid']);
      $result = $query
      foreach ($result as $role) {
        $ac->roles[$role->rid] = $role->name;
      $file = new stdClass();
      if (node_access('update', $node, $ac) && $node->type == 'photos') {
        $file->pid = $node->nid;
        if ($_GET['nid']) {
          $photo = node_load($_GET['nid']);
          if (node_access('update', $photo, $ac)) {
            $file->nid = $photo->nid;
          else {
            watchdog('photos_swfu', 'User do not have permission to update the node');
            return header("HTTP/1.0 403.3 Internal Server Error");
      else {
        watchdog('photos_swfu', 'User do not have permission to update the node');
        return header("HTTP/1.0 403.3 Internal Server Error");
      if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']) && !$_FILES['Filedata']['error']) {
        $file->uri = file_destination(photos_check_path('default', '', $ac) . '/' . trim(basename(_photos_rename($_FILES['Filedata']['name']))), FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
        if (file_unmanaged_move($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $file->uri)) {
          $info = image_get_info($file->uri);
          if ($info['extension'] && $info['width']) {

            // @todo add limits?
            // $limits = _upload_file_limits($ac);

            /* $validators = array(
                 // 'file_validate_image_resolution' => array($limits['resolution']),
                 // '_file_validate_size' => array($limits['file_size'], $limits['user_size'], $ac)
               ); */
            $file->uid = $ac->uid;
            $file->filename = $_FILES['Filedata']['name'];
            $file->filesize = $info['file_size'];
            $file->filemime = $info['mime_type'];
            if ($file->fid = _photos_save_data($file)) {
              $output = 'File uploaded successfully!';
              return $output;
          else {
            watchdog('photos_swfu', 'Wrong file type');
            return header("HTTP/1.0 403.3 Internal Server Error");
        else {
          watchdog('photos_swfu', 'Upload error. 2');
          return header("HTTP/1.0 403.3 Internal Server Error");
      else {
        $error = '';
        if ($_FILES['Filedata']['error'] == 1) {
          $error = ' ' . t('Check file size and php.ini settings for upload_max_filesize.');
        watchdog('photos_swfu', 'Upload error.' . $error);
        return header("HTTP/1.0 403.3 Internal Server Error");
    else {
      watchdog('photos_swfu', 'Upload path may have been illegally modified');
      return header("HTTP/1.0 530 Internal Server Error");
  watchdog('photos_swfu', 'Album or user is not correct');
  return header("HTTP/1.0 530 Internal Server Error");