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function phone_libphonenumber_clean in Phone 7.2

Cleans up phone number components for saving into the database.


string $number: The raw phone number we are working with.

sring $countrycode: The selected countrycode for this number.

string $extension: An extension number.

Return value

array An array with the number, countrycode, and extension properties, or an empty array if there is an error.

1 call to phone_libphonenumber_clean()
phone_field_presave in ./phone.module
Implements hook_field_presave().


includes/, line 244
Provides integration functions with the libraries API and libphonenumber.


function phone_libphonenumber_clean($number, $countrycode, $extension) {
  try {

    // Get the parsed phone objects, preserving the alpha characers.
    // Also, don't initialise the extension, otherwise it will be included in
    // the output below, which is wrong.
    list($phoneutil, $phonenumber) = _phone_libphonenumber($number, $countrycode, '', TRUE);

    // Get the actual countrycode used, in case we didn't have one before,
    // and libphonenumber was able to detect one from a country code.
    if ($phonenumber
      ->getCountryCodeSource() != libphonenumber\CountryCodeSource::FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY) {
      $new_countrycode = $phoneutil

      // If the country code is empty, then set the new one,
      // if the country code is different, lets see if they have the same
      // calling code, if they do, use our original country code.
      // i.e. Calling Code of +1 is always the US, but the user might have
      // input Barbados for example.
      if (empty($countrycode) || $countrycode != $new_countrycode && $phonenumber
        ->getCountryCode() != $phoneutil
        ->getCountryCode()) {
        $countrycode = $new_countrycode;

    // Extensions should only ever be digits.
    $force_non_alpha = FALSE;
    if ($phonenumber
      ->hasExtension()) {
      $extension = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $phonenumber
      $force_non_alpha = TRUE;
    else {
      $extension = '';

    // Numbers that have alpha characters are returned as is.
    // Otherwise store the national formatted number with all spaces stripped.
    if ($force_non_alpha || !$phoneutil
      ->isAlphaNumber($number)) {
      $number = $phonenumber
    return array(
      'countrycode' => $countrycode,
      'number' => $number,
      'extension' => $extension,
  } catch (libphonenumber\NumberParseException $e) {

    // Uh oh. Do nothing in effect.
    return array();