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function _phone_libphonenumber in Phone 7.2

Creates and returns a libphonenumber phonenumber object.


string $number: The raw phone number we are working with.

string $countrycode: The selected countrycode for this number.

string $extension: An extension number.

bool $allow_alpha: When set to TRUE, and $number contains alpha characters, i.e. is a vanity number, then retain the alpha formatting, and do not convert the number to its numeric equivalent.

Return value

array An array with two items, the $phoneutil object, and the parsed $phonenumber object.


libphonenumber\NumberParseException on error.

4 calls to _phone_libphonenumber()
phone_libphonenumber_clean in includes/
Cleans up phone number components for saving into the database.
phone_libphonenumber_format in includes/
Formats a phone number using libphonenumber.
phone_libphonenumber_valid in includes/
Validates a phone number with libphonenumber.
_phone_migrate_phone_number in ./phone.module
Helper function for migrate-type functions: convert a number from a single-entry number to country code, number, and extension.


includes/, line 28
Provides integration functions with the libraries API and libphonenumber.


function _phone_libphonenumber($number, $countrycode, $extension, $allow_alpha = FALSE) {

  // Get the PhoneNumberUtil object instance.
  $phoneutil = libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();

  // If we don't allow alpha characters, then strip them here.
  if (!$allow_alpha) {
    $number = libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil::convertAlphaCharactersInNumber($number);

  // Let libphonenumber handle the extension.
  if (!empty($extension)) {
    $number .= ';ext=' . $extension;

  // Parse the number into a phonenumber object.
  $phonenumber = $phoneutil
    ->parse($number, $countrycode, NULL, TRUE);
  return array(