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README.txt in PersianTools 7

Same filename in this branch
  1. 7 README.txt
  2. 7 jalalidate_nodes/README.txt

Here is a module that converts date formats from Gregorian Calendar into Jalali Calendar, in both nodes and comments. It uses php's internal convertor if PHP 5.3+ and PECL_intl 1+ dependencies are satisfied , otherwise it falls back to its own convertor, which lives in persiantools/include/Date.php


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  1. Welcome
  2. Here is a module that converts date formats from Gregorian Calendar into Jalali Calendar, in both nodes and comments. It uses php's internal convertor if PHP 5.3+ and PECL_intl 1+ dependencies are satisfied , otherwise it falls back to its own convertor, which lives in persiantools/include/Date.php