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Files in PersianTools 7

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Date.php includes/Date.php Shamsi includes/ A custom two-part date field handler for Views. includes/ jalalidate_nodes/ Administration page callbacks for the Jalali Date module. jalalidate_nodes/ name = Jalali Date Nodes description = "Submodule for PersianTools that converts dates for nodes and comments to Jalali calendar." package = Persian Tools core = 7.x configure = admin/config/jalalidate/settings dependencies[] = persiantools
jalalidate_nodes.install jalalidate_nodes/jalalidate_nodes.install Contains install and uninstall functions for jalalidate.
jalalidate_nodes.module jalalidate_nodes/jalalidate_nodes.module jalalidate_viewsformatter/ name = Jalali Date Views formatter description = "Submodule for PersianTools that creates a new formatter for Views date." package = Persian Tools dependencies[] = views dependencies[] = persiantools core = 7.x files[] =…
jalalidate_viewsformatter.install jalalidate_viewsformatter/jalalidate_viewsformatter.install Contains install and uninstall functions for Jalalidate Views formatter.
jalalidate_viewsformatter.module jalalidate_viewsformatter/jalalidate_viewsformatter.module
LICENSE.txt LICENSE.txt GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim… Administration page callbacks for the persiantools module. name = Persian Tools description = "Implements common features and fixes for Persian language. Includes converting english digits to persian, and fixing misplaced chars in mixed english and persian text." package = Persian Tools core =…
persiantools.install persiantools.install Contains install and uninstall functions for persiantools.
persiantools.module persiantools.module Adds common features and fixes for persian pages.
README.txt jalalidate_nodes/README.txt Welcome Here is a module that converts date formats from Gregorian Calendar into Jalali Calendar, in both nodes and comments. It uses php's internal convertor if PHP 5.3+ and PECL_intl 1+ dependencies are satisfied , otherwise it falls back to…
README.txt README.txt A module that would solve many of the common problems with persian drupal sites. Current list of features to include: 1. convert all displayed integers from latin to persian, without breaking page and scripts. (in progress) 2. convert arabic…

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