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function template_preprocess_pcp_template in Profile Complete Percent 7

Process variables for pcp-template.tpl.php.

See also



./pcp.module, line 549
Allows users with valid permissions to tag profile fields (core fields or Profile2 fields) for a users profile to be considered complete.


function template_preprocess_pcp_template(&$variables) {
  if (isset($variables['nextfield_name'])) {

    // Generate URL to edit next field for core user profile.
    if ($variables['entity_type'] == 'user') {
      $input_name = 'edit-' . str_replace('_', '-', $variables['nextfield_name']);
      $user_edit_path = 'user/' . $variables['uid'] . '/edit';
      $variables['next_path'] = url($user_edit_path, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'fragment' => $input_name,
    elseif ($variables['entity_type'] == 'profile2') {
      $bundle = $variables['bundle'];
      $input_name = 'edit-profile-' . str_replace('_', '-', $bundle) . '-' . str_replace('_', '-', $variables['nextfield_name']);

      // Determine correct 'edit path' for profile2 profile type.
      $old_profile_edit_path = 'profile-' . $bundle . '/' . $variables['uid'] . '/edit';
      $new_profile_edit_path = 'user/' . $variables['uid'] . '/edit/' . $bundle;
      $profile_edit_path = drupal_valid_path($old_profile_edit_path) ? $old_profile_edit_path : $new_profile_edit_path;
      $variables['next_path'] = url($profile_edit_path, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'fragment' => $input_name,