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pcp-template.tpl.php in Profile Complete Percent 7

Default theme implementation for PCP block

Available variables: $uid: Current user ID. $current_percent: From 0 to 100% of how much the profile is complete. $next_percent: The percent if the user filled the next field. $completed: How many fields the user has filled. $incomplete: The inverse of $completed, how many empty fields left. $total: Total number of fields in profile. $nextfield_title: The name of the suggested next field to fill (human readable name). $nextfield_name: The name of the suggested next field to fill (machine name).

See also



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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for PCP block
 * Available variables:
 *  $uid: Current user ID.
 *  $current_percent: From 0 to 100% of how much the profile is complete.
 *  $next_percent: The percent if the user filled the next field.
 *  $completed: How many fields the user has filled.
 *  $incomplete: The inverse of $completed, how many empty fields left.
 *  $total: Total number of fields in profile.
 *  $nextfield_title: The name of the suggested next field to fill (human readable name).
 *  $nextfield_name: The name of the suggested next field to fill (machine name).
 * @see template_preprocess_pcp_profile_percent_complete()
<style type="text/css">

print $entity_type . '-' . $bundle;
?> { width: <?php

print $current_percent;
?>%; }

<div class="pcp-wrapper <?php

print 'pcp-' . $entity_type;
?> <?php

print 'pcp-' . $bundle;

print t('!complete% Complete', array(
  '!complete' => $current_percent,

  <div class="pcp-percent-bar-wrapper">
    <div class="pcp-percent-bar <?php

print $entity_type . '-' . $bundle;


if (isset($nextfield_name) && isset($next_percent)) {
  print t('Filling out <em>!empty-field</em> will bring your profile to !complete% complete', array(
    '!empty-field' => l($nextfield_title, $next_path, $field_link_option),
    '!complete' => $next_percent,