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Functions in Pay 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_pay_form_handler_info ./pay.api.php This hook is used to inform Pay of available payment form handlers. A payment form is where an actual payment transaction is initiated (e.g. a donation form, checkout page, etc. It minimally includes an 'amount' field, and probably will…
hook_pay_method_handler_info ./pay.api.php This hook is used to inform Pay of available payment method handlers. Administrators will be able to create new instances of payment methods, based on the capabilities and options for your handler(s).
hook_pay_user_settings_access ./pay.api.php This hook is used to grant access to the "Payment settings" tab under the user edit screen. The tab will become visible if any module returns TRUE for this hook.
hook_pay_user_settings_form ./pay.api.php Modify or append settings to a user's payment settings page.
pay_actions_do includes/ Helper function to call 'actions_do' 3
pay_action_info includes/ Implements hook_action_info().
pay_activity_load ./pay.module API Function: Load a payment activity object. 3
pay_admin_method_form includes/ Admin form to create or update payment methods. 1
pay_admin_method_form_submit includes/ Submit handler for pay_method_settings.
pay_admin_method_overview includes/ 1
pay_admin_overview includes/ Payment settings overview. 1
pay_admin_pay_form_list includes/ List payment forms
pay_admin_settings includes/ Overall settings form for global payment options. 1
pay_admin_settings_submit includes/ Submit handler for settings form. 1
pay_after_build ./pay.module A FAPI after_build handler for any type of pay form. 1
pay_currency_list ./pay.module Helper function to list all possible currencies. 2
pay_element_set_required ./pay.module A helper function to be used as a #pre_render callback: Sets an element to "required" for rendering. The calling code should handle validation responsibly. 1
pay_form ./pay.module A simple form any type of pay element. If you want to build a module with a standalone payment form, you would do so by passing this function to the drupal_get_form page handler in your hook_menu() funcion. 1 16
pay_forms_list ./pay.module List available payment forms. 2
pay_form_alter ./pay.module Implements hook_form_alter(). Pass the form to any applicable pay handlers in case they have some input.
pay_form_callback ./pay.module A helper function for FAPI validate/submit callbacks. Locates any pay elements in a form and calls thier handler code. 3
pay_form_displays ./pay.module List of meaningful ways in which a payment form can appear. 1
pay_form_displays_list ./pay.module Name/value List of meaningful ways in which a payment form can appear. 2
pay_form_load ./pay.module API Function: Load a payment form object. 9
pay_form_settings includes/ API function: implement a settings form that may be used by a pay_form module.
pay_gateway_response ./pay.module Callback for pay activity responses. 1
pay_handlers ./pay.module API Function: All available payment handlers. 14
pay_init ./pay.module Implements hook_init().
pay_item_load ./pay.module API Function: Load a payment item object.
pay_load_handler ./pay.module API Function: Include a handler file for a payment object. 1
pay_load_object ./pay.module API Function: Load a payment class. 10
pay_menu ./pay.module Implements hook_menu().
pay_menu_menu includes/ Implementation of hook_menu(). 1
pay_method_delete_confirm includes/ Menu callback; delete a payment method. 1
pay_method_delete_confirm_submit includes/ Process payment method delete confirm submissions.
pay_method_list ./pay.module Helper function to list all payment methods available.
pay_method_load ./pay.module API Function: Load a payment method object. 11
pay_node_admin_node_form_after_build modules/pay_node/pay_node.module An after_build callback for the node editing form. 1
pay_node_admin_node_form_alter modules/pay_node/includes/ A form_alter helper for node creation forms. 1
pay_node_admin_node_type_form_alter modules/pay_node/includes/ @todo Please document this function. 1
pay_node_admin_settings modules/pay_node/includes/ Menu callback for pay_node admin screen. 1
pay_node_content_extra_fields modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_content_extra_fields().
pay_node_form_alter modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_form_alter().
pay_node_form_load modules/pay_node/pay_node.module A load helper for pay_forms that are attached to a node. 6
pay_node_form_submit modules/pay_node/pay_node.module A submit callback for the node editing form. 1
pay_node_menu modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_menu().
pay_node_node_delete modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_node_delete().
pay_node_node_insert modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_node_insert().
pay_node_node_load modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_node_load().
pay_node_node_update modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_node_update().


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