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Functions in Pay 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
pay_node_node_view modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_node_view().
pay_node_pay_form modules/pay_node/pay_node.module A callback for node/x/pay which presents a payment form. 1
pay_node_pay_form_access modules/pay_node/pay_node.module An access callback for payment forms. 1
pay_node_pay_transaction_create modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_pay_transaction_create().
pay_node_pay_transaction_delete modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_pay_transaction_delete().
pay_node_schema modules/pay_node/pay_node.install Implements hook_schema().
pay_node_update_6001 modules/pay_node/pay_node.install Add a "method" column to the pay_form_node table.
pay_node_update_6002 modules/pay_node/pay_node.install Add a the pay_transaction_node table.
pay_node_update_6003 modules/pay_node/pay_node.install Remove menu_path entries from pay_node forms. This was causing an incorrect menu callback for node/X/pay URLS and prevented transactions from being associated with nodes correctly.
pay_node_views_api modules/pay_node/pay_node.module Implements hook_views_api().
pay_node_views_data modules/pay_node/includes/views/ Implements hook_views_data().
pay_node_views_handlers modules/pay_node/includes/views/ Implements hook_views_handlers().
pay_pay_activity_create includes/ Implementation of hook_pay_activity_create().
pay_pay_method_handler_info includes/ Implementation of hook_pay_method_handler_info().
pay_pay_transaction_complete includes/ Implementation of hook_pay_transaction_complete().
pay_pay_transaction_create includes/ Implementation of hook_pay_transaction_create().
pay_permission ./pay.module Implements hook_permission().
pay_progress_pay_form_displays_alter modules/pay_progress/pay_progress.module Implements hook_pay_form_displays_alter().
pay_progress_theme modules/pay_progress/pay_progress.module Implements hook_theme().
pay_progress_theme_theme modules/pay_progress/theme/ Implements hook_theme(). 1
pay_schema ./pay.install Implements hook_schema().
pay_submit ./pay.module A FAPI submit handler for any type of pay form. 1
pay_test_submit modules/pay_node/includes/
pay_theme ./pay.module Implements hook_theme().
pay_theme_theme theme/ Implementation of hook_theme(). 1
pay_token_list includes/ Implementation of hook_token_list().
pay_token_values includes/ Implementation of hook_token_values().
pay_transaction_action_title ./pay.module Title callback for a page that effects a payment transaction action. 1
pay_transaction_cancel_action includes/ Implementation of a Drupal action. Cancels a pending or preauthorized transaction.
pay_transaction_complete_action includes/ Implementation of a Drupal action. Completes a pending or preauthorized transaction.
pay_transaction_delete_action includes/ Implementation of a Drupal action. Deletes a transaction.
pay_transaction_do_action ./pay.module Wrapper for $pay_transaction->do_action(), to be used as a menu callback. 3 1
pay_transaction_load ./pay.module API Function: Load a payment transaction object. 2 1
pay_transaction_states ./pay.module Return a list of available transaction states. 1 1
pay_transaction_state_name ./pay.module Return the 'nice' name for payment transaction states. 2
pay_transaction_valid_action ./pay.module Wrapper for $pay_transaction->valid_action(), to be used as a menu callback. 1
pay_trigger_info includes/ Implementation of hook_trigger_info(). 1 1
pay_update_6001 ./pay.install Add our payment item table.
pay_update_6002 ./pay.install Add a "mail" column to the pay_transaction table.
pay_update_6003 ./pay.install Add an "embeddable" column to the pay_form table.
pay_update_6004 ./pay.install Add a "state" column to the pay_transaction table.
pay_update_6005 ./pay.install Rename 'activity' to 'action' in pay_activity table.
pay_update_6006 ./pay.install Rename 'activity' to 'action' in pay_method.
pay_update_6007 ./pay.install Remove my actions from the actions table so that they get re-read.
pay_user_cancel ./pay.module Implements hook_user_cancel().
pay_user_categories ./pay.module Implements hook_user_categories().
pay_user_settings_access ./pay.module An access callback for access to user-specific Payment settings form. 1
pay_user_settings_form ./pay.module A form callback for a user's 'Payment settings' page. 1
pay_user_settings_page ./pay.module Form builder; Present the form to edit a user's payment settings. 1
pay_validate ./pay.module A FAPI validate handler for any type of pay form. 1


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