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function patterns_invoke in Patterns 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 patterns.module \patterns_invoke()
  2. 6.2 patterns.module \patterns_invoke()
  3. 7.2 patterns.module \patterns_invoke()
  4. 7 patterns.module \patterns_invoke()
2 calls to patterns_invoke()
patterns_implement_action in ./patterns.module
Setup and run an action
patterns_prepare_actions in ./patterns.module


./patterns.module, line 1938
Enables extremely simple adding/removing features to your site with minimal to no configuration


function patterns_invoke(&$data, $op, $form_id = null, &$a = null) {
  static $tag_modules;
  if (!is_array($tag_modules) || $op == 'tag modules') {

    // Get a list of tags and their modules
    foreach (module_implements('patterns') as $module) {
      $tags = module_invoke($module, 'patterns', 'tags');
      foreach ($tags as $tag => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
          $tag_modules[$tag] = $module;
        else {
          $tag_modules[$value] = $module;

  // If you just want the modules list
  if ($op == 'tag modules') {
    return $tag_modules;
  $tag = $data['tag'];
  $module = $tag_modules[$tag];
  $func = $module . '_patterns';
  if (function_exists($func)) {
    if ($form_id) {
      $return = $func($op, $form_id, $data, $a);
    else {
      $return = $func($op, $tag, $data, $a);
  $data['tag'] = $tag;
  return $return;