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10 calls to patterns_utils_if_invalid_go_back() in Patterns 7.2

patterns_edit_page in includes/forms/
Display the page for editing a pattern.
patterns_enable_pattern in ./patterns.module
Form constructor for the Patterns enabling form.
patterns_modules_page in theme/
Lists the modules used by a particular pattern.
patterns_publish_pattern in includes/
Callback function for route /admin/patterns/publish/
patterns_publish_pattern_submit in includes/
Executes patterns_db_publish_pattern($pid) and display a message.
patterns_remove_pattern in ./patterns.module
Form constructor for the Patterns removing form.
patterns_restore_pattern in ./patterns.module
Restores a previously trashed pattern.
patterns_trash_pattern in ./patterns.module
Form constructor for the Patterns removing form.
patterns_unpublish_pattern in includes/
Callback function for route /admin/patterns/publish/
patterns_unpublish_pattern_submit in includes/
Executes patterns_db_unpublish_pattern($pid) and display a message.