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function patterns_parser_extract_all_actions in Patterns 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/parser/ \patterns_parser_extract_all_actions()

Extract all the actions from a pattern and returns them as an array.


mixed $pattern A pattern object, an array representing: the pattern object, a numeric id or alphanumeric name of the pattern as it is in the database

array $sections array containing the name of the sections,: from which extract the actions. If NULL, all the sections will be scanned.

3 calls to patterns_parser_extract_all_actions()
patterns_parser_include_pattern in includes/parser/
Inserts the actions of a pattern into another one. Sections of the included patterns are not preserved, and all its actions are appended at the end of the first parameter
_patterns_lab_include_pattern in includes/forms/
Returns the portion of a pattern object to be included as a string, depending on the passed mode of exporting.
_patterns_parser_retrieve_actions_from_include in includes/parser/
Returns all the actions from a pattern array. Sections are not preserved.


includes/parser/, line 684


function patterns_parser_extract_all_actions($pattern, $options, $sections = NULL) {
  $actions = array();
  $pattern = _patterns_db_get_pattern_array($pattern);
  if (!$pattern) {
    return $actions;
  if (isset($pattern['pattern'])) {
    $pattern = $pattern['pattern'];

  // Loop through the sections of the included pattern
  foreach ($pattern as $section => $value) {
    if (in_array($section, array(
    ))) {
    if (!is_null($sections) && !in_array($section, $sections)) {
    $newactions = patterns_parser_retrieve_actions_from_section($value, $options);
    $actions = array_merge($actions, $newactions);
  return $actions;