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8 calls to patterns_parser_exists() in Patterns 7

PatternsTestCase::callbackOnDir in tests/patterns.test
Loads all the pattern files from a directory and executes a callback on each parsed pattern.
PatternsTestCase::runDir in tests/patterns.test
Scans a directory for patterns files, and executes them.
patterns_drush_get_file_format in ./
patterns_import_validate in includes/forms/
patterns_io_get_format_from_file in includes/io/
Extracts and validates the pattern format from a file string
patterns_lab_validate in includes/forms/
Checks if the patterns directory is ready and if the file name for exported patterns is valid.
patterns_parser_build_formats_index in includes/parser/
Register all available patterns parsers and returns an associative array.
patterns_parser_get_parser_function in includes/parser/
Checks whether a parser is defined for a given format, and returns the corresponding function name for the requested action.