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function patterns_io_remove_pattern in Patterns 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/io/ \patterns_io_remove_pattern()

Removes a pattern both from the file system and the database.


mixed $pattern_orig A pattern object, an array representing: the pattern object, a numeric id or alphanumeric name of the pattern as it is in the database

bool $verbose (optional) If TRUE notify the users a failure.: Default FALSE.

Return value

Boolean TRUE, if removal from the file system and the database is successful

1 call to patterns_io_remove_pattern()
patterns_remove_pattern_submit in ./patterns.module
Form submission handler for patterns_remove_pattern().


includes/io/, line 505
Functions related to input/output operations.


function patterns_io_remove_pattern($pattern_orig, $verbose = TRUE) {

  // Retrieve
  $pattern = _patterns_db_get_pattern($pattern_orig);
  if (!$pattern) {
    if ($verbose) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Impossible to retrieve specified pattern: %pattern.', array(
        '%pattern' => $pattern_orig,
      )), 'error');
    return FALSE;
  if (!patterns_io_remove_pattern_from_fs($pattern->file, $verbose)) {
    return FALSE;
  $result = patterns_db_remove_pattern($pattern->pid);
  if ($result) {
    if ($verbose) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Pattern %pattern was removed succesfully.', array(
        '%pattern' => $pattern_orig,
  return $result;