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API for writing pattern files.


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 * @file
 * API for writing pattern files.

 * Returns an array with the reserved words for Patterns files
 * Those words are not allowed to be used as section headings.
 * @return Array
 *   The array of reserved words.
function patterns_api_reserved_words() {
  return array(

 * Returns TRUE if a string is a Patterns reserved word
 * @param mixed $word
 *   The string to check.
 * @return Boolean,
 *   TRUE, if it is a reserved word
function patterns_api_is_reserved_word($word = NULL) {
  if (is_null($word)) {
    return FALSE;
  return in_array($word, patterns_api_reserved_words()) ? TRUE : FALSE;

 * Checks whether a string is an existing component name.
 * @param mixed $component
 *   The string with the name of the component
 * @return Boolean
 *   TRUE, if the string is a valid component name
 * @see patterns_api_build_moduletags_index()
function patterns_api_is_valid_component_name($component = NULL) {
  if (is_null($component)) {
    return FALSE;
  $idx = patterns_moduletags_get_index();
  return isset($idx[$component]) ? TRUE : FALSE;

 * Adds / Replaces the 'modules' section in a pattern.
 * Removes duplicates from the list of modules.
 * @param array $modules
 *   Array containing the name of the modules
 * @param array $pattern (optional)
 *   The associative array representing a pattern
 * @param Bool $ow (optional)
 *   If TRUE, a pre-existing modules section will be
 *   overwritten. Defaults FALSE.
 * @return Bool|Array Return the array containing the
 *   the modules section, or FALSE if an error occurred
function patterns_api_add_modules_section($modules = NULL, &$pattern = array(), $ow = FALSE) {
  if (empty($modules)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (isset($pattern['modules']) && !$ow) {
    return FALSE;
  $modules = is_array($modules) ? $modules : array(
  $pattern['modules'] = array_unique($modules);
  return $pattern;

 * Initializes an empty section in a pattern file.
 * Checks whether the section name is valid before adding it.
 * @param mixed $section_name
 *   A string representing the pattern name
 * @param array $pattern (optional)
 *   The associative array representing a pattern
 * @param Bool $ow (optional)
 *   If TRUE, an existing section with the same name will be
 *   overwritten. Defaults FALSE.
function patterns_api_add_section($section_name = NULL, &$pattern = array(), $ow = FALSE) {
  if (empty($section_name)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (patterns_api_is_reserved_word($section_name)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (isset($pattern[$section_name]) && !$ow) {
    return FALSE;
  $pattern[$section_name] = array();
  return $pattern;

 * Adds / Replaces the 'info' section in a pattern
 * Adds automatically the standard values to the missing properties
 * @param array $info (optional)
 *   An associative array of properties for the info section.
 * @param array $pattern (optional)
 *   An array representing a pattern file.
 * @param Bool $ow (optional)
 *   If TRUE, overwrites existing Info sections.
function patterns_api_add_info_section($info = array(), &$pattern = array(), $ow = FALSE) {
  if (isset($pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]) && !$ow) {
    return FALSE;
  global $user;
  global $base_root;
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO] = array();
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['title'] = isset($info['title']) ? $info['title'] : 'Untitled Pattern';
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['category'] = isset($info['category']) ? $info['category'] : 'General';
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['description'] = isset($info['description']) ? $info['description'] : 'No description';
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['version'] = isset($info['version']) ? $info['version'] : '1.0';
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['core'] = isset($info['core']) ? $info['core'] : 'x.y';
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['author'] = isset($info['author']) ? $info['author'] : $user->name;
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['author_email'] = isset($info['author_email']) ? $info['author_email'] : $user->mail;
  $pattern[PATTERNS_SECTION_INFO]['author_website'] = isset($info['author_website']) ? $info['author_website'] : $base_root;
  return $pattern;

 * Adds an action to a section
 * Checks that the action has the 'tag' key
 * @param mixed $action
 * 		A valid Patterns action, e.g. PATTERNS_CREATE, PATTERNS_MODIFY, etc.
 * @param Array $data
 * 		The tag of the action and the additional properties
 * @param Array $section Optional
 * 		The containing section
function patterns_api_add_action($action = PATTERNS_CREATE, $data = array(), &$section = array()) {
  if (!isset($data['tag'])) {
    return FALSE;
  $section[] = array(
    $action => $data,
  return TRUE;

 * Helper function to create the associative array of returned values from
 * an invoked function.
 * @param mixed $status One of [PATTERNS_SUCCESS, PATTERNS_WARN, PATTERNS_ERR]. Required.
 * @param array $msg A message.
 * @param mixed $result Any kind of additional data.
 * @return array An associative array of the input values with keys 'status', 'msg', 'result'.
function patterns_results($status = PATTERNS_SUCCESS, $msg = NULL, $result = NULL) {
  if ($msg === NULL) {
    $msg = t('Execution successful');
  return array(
    'status' => $status,
    'msg' => $msg,
    'result' => $result,

 * Checks if a (supposed) array is actually correctly formatted as a patterns_results().
 * @param mixed $results The array to check.
 * @return bool TRUE if correct, FALSE otherwise.
 * @see patterns_results()
function _patterns_is_patterns_results($results) {

  // 'status' is the only mandatory field.
  if (!isset($results['status'])) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Returns an array of allowed actions, as defined in patterns.module.
 * @return array Allowed actions.
function patterns_actions() {
  return array(


Namesort descending Description
patterns_actions Returns an array of allowed actions, as defined in patterns.module.
patterns_api_add_action Adds an action to a section
patterns_api_add_info_section Adds / Replaces the 'info' section in a pattern
patterns_api_add_modules_section Adds / Replaces the 'modules' section in a pattern.
patterns_api_add_section Initializes an empty section in a pattern file.
patterns_api_is_reserved_word Returns TRUE if a string is a Patterns reserved word
patterns_api_is_valid_component_name Checks whether a string is an existing component name.
patterns_api_reserved_words Returns an array with the reserved words for Patterns files
patterns_results Helper function to create the associative array of returned values from an invoked function.
_patterns_is_patterns_results Checks if a (supposed) array is actually correctly formatted as a patterns_results().