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function _password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock in Password Policy 7

Gets time according to the active clock.

The system clock is active by default. The test clock is active when a test is being executed.


int $time: A time in seconds since the Unix epoch.

Return value

int The same time according to the active clock.

3 calls to _password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock()
_password_policy_get_current_time in ./
Gets current time.
_password_policy_get_request_time in ./
Gets request time.
_password_policy_get_user_time in ./
Gets time for user by user object property name.


./, line 85
Password Policy time retrieval functions.


function _password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock($time) {
  if (_password_policy_is_running_test()) {
    return _password_policy_get_time_per_test_clock($time);
  return $time;