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Password Policy time retrieval functions.

These functions should be used whenever a time is needed within the module. They provide a way to control the time as seen by the module during testing.

Instead of: Use: ----------- ---- time() _password_policy_get_current_time() REQUEST_TIME _password_policy_get_request_time() $account->access _password_policy_get_user_access_time($account) $account->created _password_policy_get_user_created_time($account) $account->login _password_policy_get_user_login_time($account)

Times are read according to one of two clocks: 1. The system clock. 2. The test clock, which is offset from the system clock by a controllable amount of time.

The system clock is active by default. The test clock is active when a test is being executed.

The test clock can be controlled using _password_policy_advance_test_clock().

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 * @file
 * Password Policy time retrieval functions.
 * These functions should be used whenever a time is needed within the module.
 * They provide a way to control the time as seen by the module during testing.
 * Instead of:           Use:
 * -----------           ----
 * time()                _password_policy_get_current_time()
 * REQUEST_TIME          _password_policy_get_request_time()
 * $account->access      _password_policy_get_user_access_time($account)
 * $account->created     _password_policy_get_user_created_time($account)
 * $account->login       _password_policy_get_user_login_time($account)
 * Times are read according to one of two clocks:
 *   1. The system clock.
 *   2. The test clock, which is offset from the system clock by a controllable
 *      amount of time.
 * The system clock is active by default. The test clock is active when a test
 * is being executed.
 * The test clock can be controlled using
 * _password_policy_advance_test_clock().

 * Gets access time for given user.
function _password_policy_get_user_access_time($account) {
  return _password_policy_get_user_time($account, 'access');

 * Gets created time for given user.
function _password_policy_get_user_created_time($account) {
  return _password_policy_get_user_time($account, 'created');

 * Gets login time for given user.
function _password_policy_get_user_login_time($account) {
  return _password_policy_get_user_time($account, 'login');

 * Gets time for user by user object property name.
function _password_policy_get_user_time($account, $time_name) {
  $time = $account->{$time_name};
  return _password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock($time);

 * Gets current time.
function _password_policy_get_current_time() {
  return _password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock(time());

 * Gets request time.
function _password_policy_get_request_time() {
  return _password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock(REQUEST_TIME);

 * Gets time according to the active clock.
 * The system clock is active by default. The test clock is active when a test
 * is being executed.
 * @param int $time
 *   A time in seconds since the Unix epoch.
 * @return int
 *   The same time according to the active clock.
function _password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock($time) {
  if (_password_policy_is_running_test()) {
    return _password_policy_get_time_per_test_clock($time);
  return $time;

 * Returns whether test is running.
function _password_policy_is_running_test() {
  $test_info =& $GLOBALS['drupal_test_info'];
  return !empty($test_info['test_run_id']);

 * Gets time according to test clock.
 * The test clock is offset from the system clock by a number of seconds set in
 * a database variable.
function _password_policy_get_time_per_test_clock($time) {
  $offset = _password_policy_get_test_clock_offset();
  return $time + $offset;

 * Advances test clock.
 * Increases the difference between the test clock and the system clock by a
 * given offset of seconds.
 * @param int $offset
 *   Offset in seconds. Can be positive or negative.
function _password_policy_advance_test_clock($offset) {
  $current_offset = _password_policy_get_test_clock_offset();
  $new_offset = $current_offset + $offset;
  variable_set('password_policy_test_clock_offset', $new_offset);

 * Gets offset of test clock versus system clock.
function _password_policy_get_test_clock_offset() {
  return variable_get('password_policy_test_clock_offset', 0);


Namesort descending Description
_password_policy_advance_test_clock Advances test clock.
_password_policy_get_current_time Gets current time.
_password_policy_get_request_time Gets request time.
_password_policy_get_test_clock_offset Gets offset of test clock versus system clock.
_password_policy_get_time_per_active_clock Gets time according to the active clock.
_password_policy_get_time_per_test_clock Gets time according to test clock.
_password_policy_get_user_access_time Gets access time for given user.
_password_policy_get_user_created_time Gets created time for given user.
_password_policy_get_user_login_time Gets login time for given user.
_password_policy_get_user_time Gets time for user by user object property name.
_password_policy_is_running_test Returns whether test is running.