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README.txt in Party 8.2


This module provides an example of migrating CSV formatted data to Party entities, 
using typical fields required by B2B CRM implementations.

The migration is based on the Drupal migrate module, for more information see:

Two CSV files are required, one for organizations, and one for contacts.  Example 
organization and contact CSV files are included with this module.  Note that the 
two files have the exact same field layout.  This was done to accomodate the situation
where each organization has exactly one contact.  In that case, the two CSV files can
be identical.  

For situations where organizaitions have 0 or many contacts, then two unique CSV files
are created, still using the same field layout.  The CSV contact fields are ignored by the
organization migration, and the CSV organization fields are ignored by the contact migration,
except for org_id.


PHP 5.3
Drupal greater than 7.14
 - Entity API
 - CTools
 - Views
 - Party/Party Hat/Party User/Party Profile/Party Activity
 - Panels
 - Relations
 - Party
 - Party B2B Starter Kit
 - Migrate
 - Migrate Extras

Install and enable the Party B2B Startkit Migrate module as usual.


View source
  1. Introduction
  2. ------------
  3. This module provides an example of migrating CSV formatted data to Party entities,
  4. using typical fields required by B2B CRM implementations.
  5. The migration is based on the Drupal migrate module, for more information see:
  7. Two CSV files are required, one for organizations, and one for contacts. Example
  8. organization and contact CSV files are included with this module. Note that the
  9. two files have the exact same field layout. This was done to accomodate the situation
  10. where each organization has exactly one contact. In that case, the two CSV files can
  11. be identical.
  12. For situations where organizaitions have 0 or many contacts, then two unique CSV files
  13. are created, still using the same field layout. The CSV contact fields are ignored by the
  14. organization migration, and the CSV organization fields are ignored by the contact migration,
  15. except for org_id.
  16. Requirements
  17. ------------
  18. PHP 5.3
  19. Drupal greater than 7.14
  20. Dependencies:
  21. - Entity API
  22. - CTools
  23. - Views
  24. - Party/Party Hat/Party User/Party Profile/Party Activity
  25. - Panels
  26. - Relations
  27. - Party
  28. - Party B2B Starter Kit
  29. - Migrate
  30. - Migrate Extras
  31. Installation
  32. ------------
  33. Install and enable the Party B2B Startkit Migrate module as usual.