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README.txt in Party 8.2


Enabling this module creates the following:

1. Organization and Contact profile2 types with some commonly required fields.
2. Organization and Contact hats.
3. Default views for listing and searching Organizations and Contacts.
4. Page listing Organization Contacts
5. Activities
6. Panels configured to view parties (@TODO)
7. Relations

The Party B2B Startkit Migration module is also included, to provide an example
of creating Organization and Contact Parties from CSV formatted data.  For more
information, see that module's README.txt.


PHP 5.3
Drupal greater than 7.14
 - Entity API
 - CTools
 - Views
 - Party/Party Hat/Party User/Party Profile/Party Activity
 - Panels
 - Relations
 - Party


Install and enable the Party B2B Startkit module as usual.


View source
  1. Introduction
  2. ------------
  3. Enabling this module creates the following:
  4. 1. Organization and Contact profile2 types with some commonly required fields.
  5. 2. Organization and Contact hats.
  6. 3. Default views for listing and searching Organizations and Contacts.
  7. 4. Page listing Organization Contacts
  8. 5. Activities
  9. 6. Panels configured to view parties (@TODO)
  10. 7. Relations
  11. The Party B2B Startkit Migration module is also included, to provide an example
  12. of creating Organization and Contact Parties from CSV formatted data. For more
  13. information, see that module's README.txt.
  14. Requirements
  15. ------------
  16. PHP 5.3
  17. Drupal greater than 7.14
  18. Dependencies:
  19. - Entity API
  20. - CTools
  21. - Views
  22. - Party/Party Hat/Party User/Party Profile/Party Activity
  23. - Panels
  24. - Relations
  25. - Party
  26. Installation
  27. ------------
  28. Install and enable the Party B2B Startkit module as usual.