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function party_party_party_pieces in Party 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 party.module \party_party_party_pieces()

Implements hook_party_party_pieces().


  • the basic piece for showing a party itself
  • pieces that data sets provide
  • pieces provided by Views as display plugins.


./, line 15
Party info hook include.


function party_party_party_pieces() {
  $pieces = array(
    // The main party piece.
    // By default this is the default tab, but the MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK
    // is supplied in hook_menu() to allow the piece order setting to change
    // the default tab accordingly.
    'party' => array(
      'title' => 'Party',
      'page callback' => 'party_page_view',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'access arguments' => array(
        'view contacts',
      'weight' => -10,

  // Party data sets may provide a piece each. Here we handle those of type
  // 'callback'; type 'views' is handled by our party_views_default_views()
  // and our Views display plugin.
  $sets = party_get_data_set_info();

  foreach ($sets as $set_name => $set) {
    if (isset($set['piece']) && in_array($set['piece']['maker'], array(
    ))) {
      if ($set['piece']['maker'] == 'core') {

        // 'core' is a special case of 'callback' where we supply the details.
        $set['piece'] += array(
          'title' => $set['label'],
          'page callback' => 'party_view_data_set',
          'page arguments' => array(
          'access callback' => 'party_access',
          'access arguments' => array(
          'file' => '',

      // The path becomes the piece's key.
      $path = $set['piece']['path'];

      // Add a key to say we came from a dataset.
      $set['piece']['data_set'] = $set_name;
      $pieces[$path] = $set['piece'];

  // Custom pieces can be created as Views plugins.
  if (module_exists('views')) {

    // Get all views displays that implement our hook.
    // There's no need to cache: views_menu() doesn't cache for page displays.
    $views = views_get_applicable_views('uses hook party_party_pieces');
    foreach ($views as $data) {
      list($view, $display_id) = $data;
      $result = $view->display[$display_id]->handler
      if (is_array($result)) {

        // Add in access properties.
        foreach ($result as $path => $piece) {
          $result[$path] += array(
            'access callback' => 'party_access',
            'access arguments' => array(
        $pieces = array_merge($pieces, $result);
  return $pieces;