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function party_data_set_attach_form in Party 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 party.module \party_data_set_attach_form()

Attach attached entity forms to a form.

This takes all attached entities in the $form_state['#attached_entity'] array, runs their form callback and puts it in $form[$attached_entity->hash()]


$standalone: Whether this is being used as a form to edit just the one attached entity. If true, the fieldset is not shown around the entity form.

3 calls to party_data_set_attach_form()
party_attached_entity_edit_form in ./
Form to edit or create an attached entity.
party_edit_form_form in plugins/content_types/
party_form in ./
Party edit form.


./party.module, line 1141
Provides a generic CRM party entity.


function party_data_set_attach_form(&$form, &$form_state, $data_set, $deltas = FALSE, $create = TRUE) {

  // Get the form callback.
  $callback = party_attached_entity_form_callback($data_set

  // Create an array of the $deltas we are working with:
  // If no deltas are specified assume we're using all the deltas.
  if (empty($deltas) && count($data_set
    ->getEntityIds()) > 0) {
    $deltas = array_keys($data_set
  elseif (empty($deltas)) {
    $deltas = array(
  foreach ($deltas as $delta) {
    $entity = $data_set
      ->getEntity($delta, $create);

    // It is possible $entity is false as if $create was false and $delta was
    // unset there would be no entity.
    if (!$entity) {
    $form_key = $data_set
      ->getDataInfo('name') . ':' . $delta;
    $form[$form_key] = array(
      '#party' => $data_set
      '#data_set_name' => $data_set
      '#data_set' => $data_set,
      '#delta' => $delta,
      '#entity' => $entity,
      '#parents' => array(
      '#tree' => TRUE,
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => check_plain(entity_label($data_set
        ->getDataInfo('entity type'), $entity)),
    $callback($form[$form_key], $form_state, $data_set, $delta, $data_set

  // Save the data set in the array.
    ->getDataInfo('name')] = $data_set;
  $form['#submit'][] = 'party_data_set_attach_form_submit';
  $form['#validate'][] = 'party_data_set_attach_form_validate';