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final public function PartyDefaultDataSet::getDataInfo in Party 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 includes/ \PartyDefaultDataSet::getDataInfo()

Get information from the data set or entity definition.


string $key: This is the information you want:

  • 'type': the data set entity type.
  • 'bundle': the data set entity bundle.
  • 'id key': the entity id key.
  • 'bundle key': the entity bundle key.
8 calls to PartyDefaultDataSet::getDataInfo()
PartyDefaultDataSet::createEntity in includes/
Create a new entity
PartyDefaultDataSet::display in includes/
Return the renderable array for one of our attached entities.
PartyDefaultDataSet::getLabel in includes/
Get the label of one of our attached entities.
PartyDefaultDataSet::hook_party_delete in includes/
Acts when a party is deleted.
PartyDefaultDataSet::loadEntities in includes/
Load the full entities.

... See full list


includes/, line 290
Provides the default class for managing party - Attached entity relationships.


Class PartyDefaultDataSet


public final function getDataInfo($key) {

  // Get our info
  $party_data_info = party_get_data_set_info($this->data_set);
  $entity_info = entity_get_info($party_data_info['entity type']);

  // Return the relevant information
  switch ($key) {

    // Data Set Info
    case 'name':
      return $this->data_set;
    case 'path element':
      return $party_data_info['path element'];
    case 'label':
      return $party_data_info['label'];
    case 'entity type':
      return $party_data_info['entity type'];
    case 'entity bundle':
      return $party_data_info['entity bundle'];

    // entity Info
    case 'id key':
      return $entity_info['entity keys']['id'];
    case 'bundle key':
      return $entity_info['entity keys']['bundle'];